
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How This Works

We start off by creating 1,000 webpages that are each optimized for front page placement on high quality buyer keywords. This is the eqivalent of bidding on at least 1,000 keywords, but instead, showing up for the 'free' results (no PPC).

Each additional month, we will add 1,000 more referring webpages to a DIFFERENT referral website, so you control more real estate on each front page. Collectively, this means showing up multiple times on each front page, across literally 1,000's of buyer keywords that all relate to your business.

We get our lists of trafficked keywords directly from Google, so our pages collectively rank on the front page for buyer keywords.

Note that any one of these keywords alone might only get 1-3 visitors/month, since they're each high-conversion keywords...

But with 1,000 webpages in play, and 1,000 more added each month to control more front page real-estate per keyword: That adds up to capturing perhaps over 1,000 visitors/month within the first 2-3 months, who are looking for what you offer and are ready to buy now!

Normally, just the website hosting alone would have to cost you $1,150 (10 domains on 10 hosting accounts with dedicated IP addresses: $115 each). And that's before you even pay for creating webpages on any of those websites, for up to 10 front page results PER keyword (massive sales potential). For this project, we already have the referral websites setup for you... no need for you to spend money and time on hosting; we already have it covered.

The monthly fees start at just $199: this is necessary to cover the space for the 1,000 new WebPages we add monthly to your project, the hosting, the visitor tracking, the image generation and placement on those 1,000's of webpages, the redirect links to send your referrals to the webpage you want them to land on, and our consistent monitoring of your traffic.

And there is no setup fee

There are no contracts or obligations. This simply runs month-to-month. (Many of our clients have gotten so many referrals that converted into sales, they can't accommodate more traffic - so stop when you want, and restart when you need.)

Unlimited Website Traffic

We build massive referral websites which rank on Google for 1,000's of specific, high quality buyer keywords that people type into Google every day, to find whatever product or service you offer, no matter what business you're in.
When people search Google for you, many will see our referral websites. When people click any of our WebPages, we redirect them to your website.
We present you as the top recommendation for exactly what they are searching for. And these aren't generic searches, either... These are the 1,000's of specific keywords that most website owners have to pay-per-click for, using Google AdWords.
The result is that our referrals are serious about finding something in particular (they are ready to buy now), and we redirect them to your website. Therefore our referrals have a high sales conversion ratio: not 2%, which is typical for generic searches - instead, expect to convert 10% to 40% of our referrals.
Sending you 1,000 referrals has a high probability of producing from 100 to 400 sales... which means new clients: a new and growing profit stream for you. This works for virtually anyone in any industry: If you have a website and need traffic, this will work for you. Unlimited Website Traffic