
Friday, March 29, 2013

Thanks for Your Horrible Spam Comment… DELETE!

Among all of the daily tasks and a problems that bloggers have to deal with, spam comments are probably the most annoying.

First of all, once you see that little word cloud in your WordPress dashboard saying you have some new comments to approve, you feel excited!

Delete spam commentsThen you are devastated to see they are just a bunch of spam comments!

Nothing better than anchor text named imaginary people leaving idiotic generic comments to make your day better.

Save yourself the time and bloggers the annoyance.

Hello… My Name is “Michigan Teeth Whitening”

I have yet to meet anyone in person that has the name of a product, so when I see someone commenting on a blog with the same concept, it’s a clear sign for deletion. It’s one thing to post as your blog / site name, which is perfectly fine… but when you start using long tail keywords for your blog common… c’mon son!

My Face is a Big Blue and White Symbol

There is nothing worse than talking to someone face to face and to have them looking around and not directly at you. This is how some of you might feel when you you see a big blue and white gravatar button as someone’s picture. It’s just like on Facebook… if they don’t have a picture, you aren’t going to friend them. No approved comment for you!

“Thanks for writing this amazing blog post!”

As much as I’d like to think that I’m one of the greatest writers in the world, I know I’m not… but some of my blog commenters seem to think so. “Wow, great article! I have been searching all day and found your blog post. This is exactly what I was looking for”… Gee thanks, I was quite impressed with my post as well… oh wait, another spam comment!

This Gibberish Doesn’t Even Make Sense!

Sometimes you will even get blog post comments that just don’t make any sense at all. Sure, I understand that you probably have some blog readers from other countries reading your stuff, but still… try and make your sentences at least readable so they make sense. Again… right in the trash bin!

Sure, there are millions of garbage blogs out there for you to spam and gain backlinks from that will really never end up sending link juice back to your little site… make sure to continue wasting your time with these tasks and saving the real bloggers of the world a second from having to delete your post.

For any “real” commenters out there who might be falling into any of the categories above, it’s time to step up your game and fix these corrections!

Provide value, not another peice in the trash bin!

What are your thoughts on this?

Tagged as: baby, Comment Moderation, Spam Comments

View the original article here


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