Once again the GOP is willing to screw up the American Economy.

With the Fiscal Cliff days away, with another debt ceiling limit approaching the GOP has now taken an entirely new stance.

It's Missing In Action

Headline: Republicans Now 100 Percent AWOL From Fiscal Cliff Talks

Boehner and the GOP House Members have given up. McConnell in the Senate won't do anything.

In the last few years facing the worst recession in history and crushing problems here are the actions of the GOP Congress in order:

A REJECT TARP--send the stock markets crashing and cause credit markets to fall apart

Republicans in the House killed the initial vote on the TARP Bailout on 9/29/2008.

If you don't recall what occurred review this: http://money.cnn.com/2008/09/29/mark...york/index.htm

The Dow slumped 778 points: Largest one day loss ever.

$1.2 trillion of market value was demolished in one day.

The S & P 500 Index lost 8.8% of value
NASDAQ lost 9.1%

LIBOR rose to a record 2.2%. In other words trillions of dollars of loans were jacked up.

and finally: the TED spread hit a more than 26-year high of 3.58% before dipping back to 3.54%. The TED spread is the difference between what banks charge each other to borrow for three months and what the Treasury pays. When banks charge each other a higher premium than the U.S. government, that's a sign of fear.

In other words the entire world financial system was in collapse as a result of the Republican denial of the TARP emergency legislation in 2008.

The shock was overbearing. A slightly revised TARP bill was resubmitted a few days later, passed by the Senate and then passed by the House.

Move Forward to summer 2011:

B. Reject raising the debt ceiling and cause US credit ratings to drop

First the GOP decided against raising the debt ceiling, something that had been done routinely over the years to pay for past legislation on spending:

How often?

Since March 1962, the debt ceiling has been raised 74 times, according to the Congressional Research Service. Ten of those times have occurred since 2001. 9 of those were during Bush II's time in office.

Subsequent to the debt ceiling crisis world wide bond rating agencies lowered the credit rating of the US for the first time, strictly because of the inability of the government to function on economic matters.

And now GOP financial extremism is moving the US economy over the fiscal cliff.

Taxes will go up across the board. Severe cuts will be made on spending that is supporting the economy. A recession is forecast. On top of that we are facing another debt ceiling crisis.

And where is the GOP now??????

Missing in Action.

The GOP--> Osama bin Laden's favorite political party.