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Whether our favorite tweeters are giving us drunken live updates from their planes, or just making us super jealous from their private island vacations in the Caribbean, we can't get enough of their 140 character e-postcards. And 2012 saw its share of great travel tweets from all types of tweeters.
-- Devon Antonetti, Oyster.com
The most determined look I've ever seen on a human being is the airline passenger trying to fit a large suitcase in a small overhead bin.-- Jenny Johnson (@JennyJohnsonHi5) May 29, 2012
Comedy writer Jenny Johnson always knows how to make us laugh with her sharp observational humor and sarcastic wit, so we love when she takes a crack at her fellow passengers. In this case, it's that guy we all know who just doesn't know when to check his over-sized carry-on (although we can't blame him for trying).
I can do donuts on Mars, but it's just not the same. #Endeavour, you're making me homesick#SpotTheShuttletwitpic.com/b3nrvt-- Curiosity Rover (@MarsCuriosity) October 13, 2012

We all get a little homesick on the road (or in the sky), and the Mars Rover is no exception.
True story! RT @rachdawa: Last night at Disneyland @johnstamos photo bombed our group picture! instagr.am/p/TgnvFprdjC/ -- John Stamos (@JohnStamos) December 21, 2012

Donald Trump #AisleMan, Tom Hanks #WindowSeat, Future #WindowAndAisleAttheSamnDamnTime #JK #WindowSeat -- Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) November 8, 2012On a recent flight, funnyman Aziz Ansari discussed the trials and tribulations of the great "Window Seat vs. Aisle Seat" debate, even taking a stab at other supposed celeb preferences. We admit we like his solution of not having to choose, but in the meantime, we'll take #WindowSeat.
If you don't want to miss your flight, I suggest checking that attitude with your bags. #TSA -- Agent Smith (@TSAgov) September 10, 2012Our favorite fake government agent gives us daily reminders of the hassles of flying, and, best of all, makes us laugh while doing it.
Birkin. Mac Computer. Chanel and a jet. Never quit fighting to live your dreams. God Bless twitpic.com/au7iwo -- Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) September 13, 2012

My favorite thing about Paris is the 'double kiss on the cheek' greeting. It is both intimate and disarming. I'm totally stealing that. -- Neil Patrick Harris (@ActuallyNPH) July 14, 2012
We all like to steal little pieces of the culture on our travels -- especially from the French!
This day in hyperbole: Delta flight attendant just announced that they're about to begin their "legendary beverage service." -- Carrie Brownstein (@Carrie_Rachel) September 13, 2012The "Portlandia" actress and musician doesn't seem to understand just how exceptional A Dixie cup full of Diet Coke can be when paired with mini-pretzels -- but she'll soon find out.
May your Thanksgiving travels be miserable enough to make spending time with family seem comparatively tolerable. some.ly/rFlJJf -- someecards (@someecards) November 21, 2012

Instead of a Portland hotel, I booked a "cradled in the arms of a lumberjack."Still had to leave a credit card for incidentals. -- Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) June 28, 2012On his recent trip to the Pacific Northwest capital of flannel, comedian Patton Oswalt shared the town's newest lodging trend.
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