
Friday, March 8, 2013

Presidential Inauguration Marks Start Of Obama's Second Term In Office

The 2013 Inauguration ceremonies mark the start of President Barack Obama's second term in office.

Along with the president and vice president's swearing-in ceremonies and Obama's inaugural address, the celebration also includes a parade and performances from artists like Beyonce and Kelly Clarkson.

Click here for a complete schedule of the day's events.

Below, live updates from Inauguration 2013:

National Mall Full And Closed @ OhMyGOFF : National Mall FULL and CLOSED via National Park Police and @nbcwashington (all visitors not on Mall go to overflow at Monument) Cloudy And 37 Degrees At White House Myrlie Evers-Williams Slip Up @ peterbakernyt : Hmm, did Myrlie Evers-Williams just make Obama "our 45th president"? Obama Enters Capitol Platform @ CBSNews : LIVE NOW: President Barack Obama enters U.S. Capitol platform to be inaugurated for second term. WATCH: Biden Takes Place On Platform FLOTUS Enters For Ceremony Immigrants Come Out To Support Obama, And Call For Reform

There are about 120 immigrant rights activists -- young undocumented immigrants, migrant workers and allies -- on the Washington Mall with advocacy group Casa de Maryland on Monday.

They walked for about 10 blocks, chanting most of the way. "What to we want?" "Immigration reform!" "When do we want it?" "Now!"

Many of the group's fellow inauguration-goers looked on with some amusement, but a few seemed excited to join in.

Nathaly Uribe, a 17-year-old undocumented high school senior, received deferred action in December. She said the policy, implemented by the president last year for young undocumented immigrants, has given them hope. But they still want broader reform, she said, and plan to remind President Barack Obama of his promise.

-- Elise Foley

Veterans Affairs Secretary Designated Cabinet Official Not Attending @ scottwfoster : VA secretary Shinseki is the designated cabinet official not attending today's inaugural events wh says Everyone In Place, Waiting On Obama, Biden Newt Gingrich Next To Jay-Z And Beyonce POTUS: "I Miss This Place" @ kwelkernbc : POTUS upon entering the Capitol: "I miss this place, it looks great." Romney Family Won't Be Watching @ PeterAlexander : Mitt & Ann Romney in La Jolla, CA today. Asked if he'll be watching #Inaug2013, fmr aide tells me: "Doubtful." Clintons Make Their Way To Inauguration Platform @ mpoindc : Former President Clinton and outgoing Sec of State Hillary Clinton, arm in arm, make their way to the #inaug2013 platform. #NBCPolitics Chuck Grassley Tweets Crowd Estimate Big Cheers For Beyonce And Jay-Z @ BenjySarlin : Biggest cheers so far: Jay Z and Beyonce followed by Jimmy Carter #inauguration Newt Gingrich On Inauguration @ jbendery : Just ran into Newt Gingrich, asked if it's bittersweet being at O's inaug. "No, it's always exciting to be part of the American process." Aerial Shot Shows Massive Crowds On The Mall Update On Access To Viewing Areas @ DC_HSEMA : 10:41am: General access to Mall viewing areas thru 9th/12th & Constitution and 12th & Independence only. #inauag2013 Presidential Limousine Heads To Capitol National Mall Is Packed @ DCPoliceDept : The National Mall Panels from 4th-7th Street are closed Gridlock In The Orange Area @ iankoski : Crowd stuck in #orangecrush now angrily chanting "orange gate" over and over again. Others trying to keep positive. #inaug2013 Paul Ryan Booed

Acting as a painful reminder that Republicans lost the presidential election in November, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) -- a former vice presidential nominee -- was booed by inauguration-goers on Monday morning as he walked out of the Capitol.

-- Amanda Terkel

Spectators Outside White House Get Excited

From a White House pool report:

At 10:26 am, Pool is holding in van outside WH. The bleachers on this section of Pennsylvania ave are about 50% full. A few moments ago, a man in a red hat and black coat appeared to be serving as a volunteer cheerleader, running up and down the length of one section, and leading the crowd in doing the wave and screaming "Wooo!" as they rose to their feet and raised their hands in the air. There were also chants of "Obama! Obama!"
It's A Family Affair @ howardfineman : Lots of families in line -- just saw Jay Carney and his son. Nice vibe all around. Statuary Hall @ jbendery : The fancy set-up in Statuary Hall, where Obama will have lunch with Hill leaders right after the Inauguration. D.C. Medical Examiner Is Ready

According to the Associated Press, the D.C. medical examiner is traveling with Metro Transit Police just in case there are any passenger deaths in the Metrorail system on Inauguration Day.

Read more here.

Protesters Gather, Urge 'Jobs Not War'

From the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON — A few dozen protesters were gathered along the Inauguration Day parade route on Pennsylvania Avenue invoking the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King's legacy and urging jobs, not war.

The protesters from the anti-war group ANSWER Coalition handed out posters saying "Dr. King's Legacy ... Jobs Not War."

Brian Becker, director of the coalition, said the group chose to focus on messages that would resonate with a pro-President Barack Obama crowd.

In addition to the poster focusing on MLK's legacy and jobs, protesters also had signs saying "Indict Bush Now" and "Drone Strikes (equals) War Crimes."

Read more here.

Inauguration Lunch Set Up @ jbendery : The fancy set-up in Statuary Hall, where Obama will have lunch with Hill leaders right after the Inauguration. Westboro Penned InAlso on HuffPost:

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