
Saturday, May 11, 2013

looking for an opencart expert developer


i have some problems with my opencart site. Mysql problems.
Need optimation.

some problems :

- when i try to add new products to some categories it sometimes gives Mysql error.

for example : x product to a category - b ctageory - c category at the some gives error..when i remove it from c category, its okey..

interesting errors..

- when i go to phpmyadmin, i see that some error lines at mysql.

- since 2 days many problems. here are 2 mysql error samples

A-) Maximum commections...error...etc..etc

B-) Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/xovutx/public_html/system/database/mysql.php on line 6
Error: Could not make a database connection using xovutx_ceyhun@localhost
Warning: mysql_close() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/xovutx/public_html/system/database/mysql.php on line 66

C-) Yesterday again i saw Mysql errors at home page. it says " Product id table crashed..etc..etc."..i go to phpmyadmin and repaired tables and it was okey..

everytime errors..

d-) yesterday when i try to make search at my site , at serach box it was giving mysql errors..when i write short keyword to serach, it ws okey, when i write long keyword to search it gives error :)))interesting..but today one of my friend made something and it is okey for now..

i talked with my hosting support. they made somethings at my site and since yesterday it seems okey..but i dont know..i want to know it has %100 solution. i dont want to think anything..
This is an ad that I inserted!
Hosting told me to make an optimation at my script. there are many open connections at script..etc..etc..etc.

i need an expert to fix this issue at my opencart site.
My site version is : 1.5.1 ( Turkish version )

developer will conect to my pc via teamviewer and will fix problem at my pc..

if you accept this, please send me your skills about opencard, your experiment, your sample sites if you have and your price for this optimation.

thank you

View the original article here


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