
Friday, July 19, 2013

Don't use

That's because you wouldn't listen :) We tried explaining to you that your article is scam but you only called us idiots :)

Here's part of your article: "Pricing the New 2013 Ford Mustang'"

"F?rd h?? r???ntl? ?r???d th? 2013 F?rd Mu?t?ng Sh?lb? GT500 ??u?? ?nd th? ??nv?rt?bl?. Th? ?urr?nt ?r???ng r?v??l?d th?t th? ?r???? ?f th? tw? v?h??l?? h?s ?n?r????d b? m?r? $5,000 ?n?lud?ng th? ?h????ng ?h?rg?. But d????t? th? tr?m?nd?u? ?n?r???? in th? ?r??? ?f th? ??u?? ?nd th? ??nv?rt?bl?, F?rd ?? ?t?ll ??t?m??t?? th?t ? l?t ?f ??r bu??r? w?ll ?ur?h??? th??? m?d?l? ??n?? th? ?r??? h?k? ??m?? w?th th? ?v??l?b?l?t? of ? numb?r ?f ?dd?t??n?l ?x??t?ng f??tur??. "

If you search Google for exact match ["th? ?h????ng ?h?rg?"], you won't find anything because that article contains non-English symbols Google won't recognize. So in essence only a human being can recognize that text. For machines it's nonsense! Why would we allow you to place useless content?! We have t protect our publishers from things like that!


Also, you broke our rules consistently spamming with multiple links per articles (one is allowed) and submitting bad-Grammar pieces. Examples:

* Curr?nt ?r???ng r?v??l?d th?t th? ?r???? ?f th? tw? v?h??l?? h?s ?n?r????d b? m?r? $5,000
* Before you go out and by this type of wear you should decide exactly what you want when it comes to these clothing pieces (What???)
* You’ll want to buy accessories such as hats, gloves, and other items to when it comes to buying Renaissance wear.
* There ar? many stores online that sell his type of clothing so spend some time doing a good search before you decide to buy
etc etc

We asked to edit but you wouldn't! We can't risk our reputation letting the publishers bid for low-quality articles like that! We struggled and struggled and got only "idiots" in return! So banning you was sadly the only way to protect the community from you.

And who here can say we were wrong :)

If you want to guest post, you need to have high-quality well-written content. No matter if you use paid or free tools at MyBlogGuest!

View the original article here


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