
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

3 Reasons Why You Don’t Deserve To Make Money Blogging

Make Money Blogging – Is that your primary goal?

It seems that sooner or later, every blogger wants to make this phrase a part of their blogging story. There are many bloggers who claim that their only passion is to blog their brains out without having the desire to make money from it, but yet they somehow manage to make a good chunk of income from their blogs. The reason why they make money blogging is because they’ve NOT followed the below mentioned practices as a part of their blogging career.

Even those bloggers who struggled during the earlier times of their blog, but yet they came out to be winners. Hence, here are a few reasons why you don’t really deserve to make money blogging -

By ‘last priority’, I mean the part when your blog starts generating enough revenue. Most bloggers start blogging after reading “How I Made $1000 in a day” like articles where they forget to read the part that the person who made a thousand bucks in a day had been a blogger for years, and that finally resulted as a boost for him to make money blogging.

Blogging is something where you need to start off with the word ‘quality’ in your mind, maintain the same word no matter how successful you become, and then the opportunity to make money will automatically follow.

But as you can see that nowadays, all new bloggers just keep on hoping to make money blogging without giving their best. They forget that even hopes need some part to be fulfilled on the other side – the side the bloggers themselves.

Another thing that can happen is this: bloggers often stray from their niche and start writing about stuff that is totally irrelevant to the topic they started in. This leads to the loss of consistent readership and traffic to your blog which is a big problem!

You must be wondering – “I do want clients, but they don’t want me!”. First of all a client, when it comes to blogging, is any person who wants to advertise on your blog in one or the other way. There are several ways through which you can offer advertisement on your blog through the use of plugins such as OIO Publisher, Adpress Ad Manager etc. A few of them are -

BannersText-Link Ads Throughout The BlogSponsored ReviewsIn-Content Backlinks and much more.

Always remember one thing that a client is as much satisfied as you make him. If a frequent advertiser loves your blog but doesn’t really know what all you could offer as advertisements, then it’s you who is at fault and loss, of course.

In short – let the world know all of the advertisement options you offer on your blog, most probably by having an ‘Advertise’ page. Also, use services such as BuySellAds to make it easier for advertisers to find your listing, and for you, to reach the eyes of a wider audience of potential advertisers.

That’s what many bloggers want. All they want is pure money, and no investment at all. If you’re taking blogging as a business, then be prepared to invest in it as well and it is not a PLC (Public Limited Company) where you can raise your capital by getting on the stock exchange! Invest in themes, invest in WP Plugins, invest in services such as Blog Engage, and research tools such as Market Samurai etc.

Many bloggers aren’t confident enough to spend money to invest in premium tools for their blog, believing that their blogs are not worth it.

They believe that blogging is tree where fruits (money) just grows after you plant the seed, but that’s not true! One has to provide water (quality content), pesticides, manure (investments) etc in order to get those fresh ripe fruits!

The possibilities are endless depending upon your requirements, hence choose wisely and have faith in your dedication – money will not come to you, it will fly.

Now over to you, what are your plans to make money from your blog?

Tagged as: advertisements, Blog Monetization, make money, Make Money Blogging

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