
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A $20 Logo Contest: "Quality Content Writing"

Hello DP!

I am looking to get a logo designed for :Quality Content Writing" lots of room for some creative freedom. This is a 5 day long contest unless I choose to extend it.

Things to remember:
- I retain the right to not accept any entries at the end of this contest.
- All logos must be effective in both black and white as well as color.
- all logos must be done in vector form preferably adobe illustrator or photoshop.
- if your entry is chosen you may be ask to do tweaks and corrections as needed.
- if your entry is chosen you will be asked to supply the source file (.ai/.psd file) as well as any fonts you have used.
- please keep in mind that I am always looking for talented graphic designers so feel free to send me a PM or email with your portfolio.
- All designs must be original creations (not google images or free vector image sites)

feedback will be provided whenever I have free time to pop in here. If you require immediate feedback please PM me or send me an email:

Thank you very much I look forward to your entries.
This is an ad that I inserted!
I reserve the right not to choose any entries at the end, however I respect your efforts and I may reward any runner ups out of pocket at a reduced price (you don't even have to send me the logo in that case)

View the original article here


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