
Monday, July 1, 2013

Help me find a template to buy for my website via themeforest

Both. I have NEVER seen a off the shelf template, particularly for turdpress, that was worth a flying purple fish. They are universally a bad idea since content should dictate markup, which is why the normal approach of building a template before you even have content is completely back-assward... much less almost ALL of them are crapped out by some 'designer' in Photoshop who doesn't know enough HTML, CSS or Accessibility to be designing a blasted thing!

Take that 'brethon' theme in it's "wide" flavor -- while it's nice to see responsive layout, it's inaccessible fixed metric fonts and illegible color contrasts basically piss away any of the accessibility those media queries gave it. The goofy serif fonts on screen also have accessibility issues (serif is for print, sans-serif is for screen...) and one look at the code shows that if this is their idea of "accessible" or "SEO Optimized" they need a quadruple helping of sierra tango foxtrot uniform, and to go back and learn how to write HTML. The heading orders are complete gibberish - like say... H5 with no H4, H3, H2 OR H1 preceeding them? H6 where the previous is a H5? That's inaccessible garbage. 1.5 megabytes in 127 files showing nothing but placeholder content, two-fifths of that being SCRIPTING? FOR WHAT?

HTML 5 for nothing crap, that STUPID MALFING BS Paul Irish came up with of nesting a bunch of IE conditionals around the HTML tag as some pathetic attempt to cover up developer ineptitude?

... and that's before we even talk the normal turdpress crap of endless pointless wrapping DIV for nothing, nothing remotely resembling proper use of those highly touted (and ultimately useless) HTML 5 tags, much less god forbid they actually tried practicing separation of presentation from content or semantic markup... the endless idiotic garbage classes on everything for NO good reason, etc, etc... Which of course is how one ends up with 57k of HTML to deliver 2.8k of plaintext and less than a dozen content images -- anywhere from six to eight times as much code as should have been used on such a simple page!

Off the shelf CMS are rubbish enough, without the fatass bloated broken inaccessible train wrecks of stupidity provided by sleazeball scam artist BS like ThemeForest. 99% of which IMHO has no business being used for ANYTHING other than examples on how not to build a website.

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