
Friday, November 8, 2013

Anyone experienced in proceeding with cross border legal action against slander/liable on DP?

I reported it for thread hijacking originally but nothing happened.

I didn't receive any infractions when I had my premium account, most likely coincidence or perhaps a higher level of care and attention when posting. I just didn't use it for a while so I stopped paying for it. I expressed my reasons why I haven't started paying for it again in the feedback section of the forum.

You requested your refund based on the number of hours. I issued a refund. If you felt the amount was in error you should have said so, then I could have rectified it. Saying nothing about it at all, seeing me online obviously not blocking any communication from you, but instead poaching my threads, on a completely unrelated topic.

I logged the time I spent, the time my server administrator and my programmer spent preparing information for you on your wikilinks clone site and the google translator project, the skype conversations, the voice calls, the payments you sent, the amounts you agreed to, and the math said I didn't owe you any refund, but I sent one anyways. If you have further dispute of your closed account, then this is not the place to discuss it.

The fact is you asked me to do work for you which I was not advertising or attempting to procure. That is not what I do, I work on my own sites and joint venture partnership projects. Occasionally I subcontract work to people I know and work with because I'm the person in our group with the most sales and marketing experience, making me basically an affiliate.

Posting a thread offering partnerships and joint ventures where different people cover costs for different business expenses is in no way an indication of being short on cash, but rather smart with it. Have you ever heard of the term broker? Yeah, it's not a huge stretch to read my signature and deduce that I might be involved in brokering website sales and acquisitions.

Put through your refund request properly and get rid of your posts and attitude and I will process your refund, AGAIN. Then stay out of my threads and I won't offer to help you in any of yours ever again.

View the original article here


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