
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Is Barack Obama the Antichrist? SERIOUSLY?

The Bible Teaches us that the Antichrist will rise up out of the sea of nations. He will appear as an intelligent, miraculous political leader, who comes to power on a platform of peace, safety and prosperity. Billions will be astonished and the hundreds of thousands of peace groups, peace-lovers, peace-niks. pacifists, green-peace environmentalists, peace-corps and peace makers from amongst all the nations and amongst all the religions of the world will marvel at his peace plans.
This is an ad that I inserted!
There is no doubt that Barack Obama is a master of lies - or rather, David Axelrod is a master of the P.R. lie and Obama just says what Axelrod tells him to. I mean, Obama even uses a teleprompter when speaking to children!

He's a president that takes no responsibility. His motto is, "it's someone else's fault". Even CNN is saying that Obama has no pressure to fix the economy because polls say he can blame the Repubs.

Obama treats women like shit and women still vote for him. OTOH, as the saying goes, "chicks dig jerks".

After four years of a depressed economy, he pulls a bait-and-switch, pulls a fast one and gets people not to notice the economy sucks. Gets him re-elected.

He is a man that lies for his own purposes. And is more interested in power than doing the right thing. With a bank account in the Cayman islands for, uh, campaign contribu..., uh, I mean, brib..., no, uh, well, um...

Today, Bloomberg TV for the first time used the word "apocalypse" when describing this economy's potential dangers. They discussed how Obama's plan is raising taxes on the middle class between 8% and 18%.

When any excuse will work, when public statements take six days because that's how long it takes to put together a focus group - when the truth no longer matters when the President speaks - When lies trump facts while the economy faces destruction - well, what kind of man is that?

View the original article here


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