
Friday, June 14, 2013

Newbie who needs some advice / tips.

No I would highly suggest making your own as you go. I does ofcause depend on what your target audiance is but research is king here. Find out where your target is, when they are there and so on.

A marketing plan does not need to complex and actually the more simple you can make it the better. Otherwice you might find youself getting stressed out.

Here are some points to consider when making your plan:

Company mission: what is it that you want to do
Long-Term goals: big milestones like being nr1 or getting 1million$ (dont be afraid to make it a "dream goal")
Shot-Term goals: smaller milestones for you to focus on
Strengths: where are you strong
Weaknesses: where are you weak
Budget: how much money you can spend on marketing
Customer analysis: age, gender, where do they spend time on the web, etc
Competitor analysis: where are they weak, strong, etc

and then you want to write how you are going to market yourself. This is very dependent on your situation so I cant give that many pointers besides:

Facebook: 2 posts a week
Youtube: 1 video a week
Google adsense: Budget of 200$ a month
and so on..

I hope this will help someone and lead you on the way. The reason this is importent to do is so that you dont end up in a situation where you dont know what to do. If you spend 1-2 days figuring out most of this then you can avoid alot of mistakes down the road.

View the original article here


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