
Monday, July 15, 2013

Market Samurai - The Keyword Research Tool

Because it fetches data from our good old Google AdWords Keyword Tool.

What does this mean?

Everyone performing the search through GKT will see the same keywords over and over again. This is why 99% of the keywords are extremely oversaturated.

Let say you want to dive into weight loss market ok. So what will you do?

You go to GKT (like everyone else) and type in weight loss (duh!). GKT will now show you 800 keywords everyone else on the planet sees.

That's why you simply cannot use it for brainstorming. The same with Market Samurai because it just fetches keywords from GKT. Yes, it has some good data nowadays when it comes to keyword analysis fetching from Majestic SEO but it will never show you the golden nugget money makers.

As of this this moment there is no keyword tool that does this. Whether it's Market Samurai, LongTail Pro, Keyword Scout you name it ....

They simply can't. They're just tools.

Now don't get me wrong. I use some these tools myself but only on certain things. I prefer one tool on this and one tool on that. You have to understand how to use them first. They all got limited potential.

I'll tell you a BIG Secret now...You Ready?

There is one tool that can beat all of the other tools out there, that will help you find those hidden gold buyer keywords and that will definitely help you make money online ...

... it's Your BRAIN!

Yes, brain is your ultimate weapon because it can make connections no other tool can.

Let's show this on example:
You go to GKT and type in diet. Now, what will GKT do is, it will show you keywords (sorted by "relevance") related to your search term. Basically, you will see all kinds of diets there are in existence.

What it will not show you, are keywords like hydroxycut for example?

Hydroxycut is one of the top 10 diet pills in the whole world. Pretty related to our keyword diet don't you think?

Then why in the name of Google it's not in the list?

No to the weird part...

Hydroxycut and it's related searches receive tens of thousands of searches a month BUT their keyword competition is nowhere that high as of those fancy diet "related" keywords.

Now the weird thing is ... most of the time ... THE SAME PEOPLE SEARCH FOR BOTH.

Do you think a man searching for some kind of diet could eventually someday search for a "quicker solution" like diet pills?

Does that make sense?

By going after easier keywords like hydroxycut you go against much lower competition and you are targeting the exact same market.

I hope this helps a bit.

Much Love,

View the original article here


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