
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rising SEO Trends That Impact Your Internet Marketing Campaign in 2013

Are you running a website? If yes, then you must be aware about the various advancements happening frequently in the SEO industry. If you don’t follow the current trends, you are likely to disappear from the search engine results page. Therefore, it is the demand of time that you should understand each and every variation that is taking place in the Search engine optimization systems.SEO Trends

One of the best and recent examples are the Panda and Penguin updates. The year 2012 we saw some of the biggest changes in the way search engines work. So many webmasters have already experienced a drastic change in the ranking of their websites. This is an alert that you should not take lightly, because you might have to pay a great price for it in the form of less or no profits.

If we look at these changes from the other point of view, they are really positive. Although, many Search Engine Optimization companies are still struggling to get their position back in the search results, this has given a chance to those website owners who are implementing the best and ethical tactics in their content, to get a place in the search results page. In the recent times, these changes are being introduced frequently and we can expect many more changes and surprises in 2013.

Therefore, we should be prepared to face any kind of challenge thrown by Google in the form of updates. Let us have a look at the different key SEO trends that we can expect in the year 2013 and the years to come:

Certainly Google Algorithm updates will continue to have an impact on SEO in the upcoming months. Moreover, the basic considerations for online businesses will remain as it is. The Authorship element will be one of the most complex search engine trends considered by Google’s Algorithms. This is a system that allows an author to have their profile picture from Google plus appear next to their listing in search results.

Now, the individual’s Authorship will also be given more emphasis along with the whole website. We will also get to see many improvements in the content, as spamming will not going to work anymore.

Multichannel tagging, Web analytics and conversion rate optimization (CRO) are the three most important tools for marketers who want to survive in any kind of economic pressures. Let’s take a look at these three Internet marketing strategies in more detail:

Multi-channel tagging: Nowadays, it is challenging for Internet marketing specialists to decide which channel they should focus on in order to increase their sales. Therefore, to help with get a handle on this crucial problem, the best solution is Multi-channel tagging. Providing multiple engagement points for the consumers to make a purchase, improves the convenience and eases of sales, and ultimately boosts profit.

Web analytics: Web analytics play the most essential role in the creation of marketing strategy for any kind of business, as it allows them to better understand their customer’s desires and online behaviors.

Marketers are realizing the importance of web analytics and they are using it for monitoring and optimizing their campaigns in real time. Using Google Analyics, they can easily get the information like how many visitors are coming to their Web site, where they come from, how they get there, where they are going, where they drop out and many more. So, now you must have realized how Google shows ads relevant to your previous search? Yes, this is because of web analytics.

Conversion rate optimization: Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of raising the ratio of conversions to traffic on a website. The need of lead generation and ecommerce Internet marketers led the evolution of Conversion optimization to a great extent in order to enhance the website’s results.

It has been observed that 8 out of 10 visitors to an e-commerce site never complete a purchase. With the technique of retargeting consumer’s behavior, marketers can recover their lost prospects. On the basis of the previous searches made by consumers on a company’s website, marketers can easily retarget their ads on other websites to appeal to those specific consumers preferences or products that the consumers have browsed, but not purchased.

Google shopping is a great service that allows the users to search for various online sites and compare the prices for the product they want to purchase.

Google Shopping

As Google is introducing various developments, there are the strong chances of Google Service will soon become entirely a paid model? When this change will occur, the marketers would have to pay the company for listing their products.

As we all know that anchor text is the best way to get links to your website. Although, with the updates like panda and penguin, Google will pay more emphasis on the thing that these links occurred naturally or have been manipulated. However, it may evenly reduce its dependency on anchor text as far as it has slightest effect.

Guest blogging is simply defined as writing a post for a blog other than the one you manage. Usually, it is a non-promotional method that offers a different perspective to its readers on a particular topic. It is one of the safest white-hat tactics of link building in SEO. This year we will get to see, guest blogging becoming the most imperative force in link building with paid and sponsored ones.

Local listings help you to reach your targeted customers. In order to obtain a lead generating search visibility in Google, local organic search results are one of the excellent marketing sources. And these local organic search results are the search listings that appear with Google reviews. Therefore, by extending the control over the local listings, Google has revised its structure to determine duplicate contents.

The stronger your brand, the stronger will be the relation between you and your customers. Brand promotion will be the best marketing strategy to make your products recognizable by gaining customer loyalty in order to improve the sales and overall value of the business.

Social media is without any doubt, the best marketing and communications tool available for the marketers. The significance of social media to marketers is now more logical than ever, as it enhances the opportunity for a brand to reach a large number of both potential and current customers. Therefore, the various social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linked In, and Pinterest are likely to get continued attention.

Through this social networking site, Google allows the users to claim authorship of the contents that they write. Your profile picture and a link to your Google+ account will be shown, when your content appearing the search engine results page. This will help greatly in building readers trust and following through the social network.

Sharing good quality, unique and relevant content socially and through other means can get a stronger influence in the Google algorithm. Following the right content marketing strategy can surely bring out the outstanding results in the form of traffic and rankings. Since, after the panda update, the importance of quality content for boosting the organic search ranking has increased and it is believed to be continuing to get the importance in 2013 and years to come.

The tools like disavow links introduced by the Google will play an important role in removing the offending links. This fantastic tool will help the sites that have been struggling to recover from a penalty due to bad links. Get more insights by going through this link.

Now it is very essential to check that whatever backlinks you are getting to your site should be relevant in order to maintain its reliability in the search engines. This will help you in receiving better ROI.

It has been predicted that by the end of 2013, more than half of the keyword referral data will not be available for the majority of businesses.


So, these are some of the trends that you will have to deal with in order to remain ahead in the cut throat Internet Marketing competition. In the world of SEO, the trends are likely to change, every now and then. Therefore, every SEO expert needs to stay up to date with all the latest changes.

How are you staying on top of these SEO trends in the coming year?

Tagged as: Internet marketing, SEO Trends

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