
Monday, August 5, 2013

How Copywriting Can Change the World

Copywriting can change the world and make it a better place.

What? Isn't copywriting all about money?

All about consumerism? How can copywriting do anything but sell stuff?

Well, the answer is YES, copywriting is about SELLING things...but it CAN SELL IDEAS too.

Think about it for a second. Doesn't a charity NEED good copy? Doesn't the RED CROSS or RED CRESCENT need GOOD COPY to get their message out?

Sure, copywriters are business people, but they are also human-beings who have things and causes they care about.

If you are a copywriter, why not take your skills now and then and offer your services FREE of CHARGE to a worthy cause or organization.

That's what doctors and nurses do now and then, they volunteer their skills in under served places in the world on a temporary basis.

So that is my thought and challenge to copywriters: Now and then, do some FREE WORK for a worthy cause or organization. Help the group you support to get their message out...or to raise funds.

As a copywriter you have some pretty unique and valuable skills.

Now and then (not always because you need to work to live) use your skills to help others.

Copywriting can change the world for the better...a little bit at a time.



View the original article here


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