
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Real Talk About Why So Many Blogs Fail

There are so many new blogs being born every day simply because blogging is one of the easiest and most popular formats for creating content that we can use to spread our message online.

Blogging is also a popular strategy when it comes to making money online. Many of the top bloggers make a substantial income from their blogs in order to support themselves and their families.

Others start blogs because their friends are blogging and they want to be like their friends. Some find enjoyment in blogging and set-up blogs because they enjoy writing and blogging about things that they love.

why blogs failIn a recent post on a blog, I have read that 97% of blogs fail, (sorry for my bad memory I totally forgot where I read it so I am not able to link to this article on the blog), and I have strong reasons to believe this statement.

This is because while browsing a few blogs that I used to visit are now gone or, the owner decided to stop posting for one reason or another.

So this means only 3% of blogs that were created will have real success. So you can just imagine how many free blogs exist on the internet today.

This lead me to ask the question, “Why are so many blogs coming to an end?”

1. Lack Of Passion & Knowledge

A lot of people start blogs based on a topics that they have little or no knowledge about. They simply start a blog because the topic is one that has a high level of popularity.

Have you spotted the reasons why they fail at blogging?

Yes you do! Blogs shouldn’t be created on a topic because of it’s popularity. And no I am not saying that you should not start a blog on a topic that is popular because you can become successful with a blog that has a high popularity niche.

What I am trying to say is that it is always best to start a blog on a topic that you are familiar with its topic and also make sure that is something that you love.

True blogging should be about the love for a certain topic which you want to share your knowledge with others.

2. No Time To Blog Right Now

One of the little known reasons why most bloggers fail is because they don’t dedicate time to their blog.

In order for one to become a successful blogger then this person has to devote some time to his/her blog. If not then your blog will end up in the list 97% that fails.

Create a timetable or schedule and try your best as possible to stick with it.

A person who doesn’t find time for their blog will often come up with the conclusion that blogging is hard. Or blogging is for a person who has tons of free time on their hand.

If you take just a few minutes each day to do article writing, networking and blog commenting; you will be surprised how much this can impact on your blogging success.

3. I Want To Make Money Now

One of the major reasons why blogs are being created today is because you can make money blogging.

In fact, blogging is said to be one of the easiest money making process online.

But should this be our aim as true bloggers? Should we make it our first priority to make money from our blogs?

If this is the case then you might end up failing with your blog.

I agree that we all need to make money to survive in this world today because the economic crisis has made a bad impact on everyone.

So creating a blog can help to pay the bills and take care of other stuff. But your aim to make money all the time from your blog can cause you to fail.

4. Many Blogs Lack Creativity

If you own a blog, what you may notice is that people can be attracted to your blog post design or your articles.

This is because your blog has a unique creative design which attracted them to your blog in the first place.

It may be your creative writing which pulled them in to subscribe to your blog. If a blog lacks creativity in both design and content, will this not cause the blog to lose out on it’s potential success?

Yes it would.

You can make your blog creatively unique by purchasing a WordPress theme for your blog, one that matches your blogs topic.

As I said earlier in this article, your blog can be a part of the 3% that are successful.

1. Blog on a Regular Basis

Blogging involves writing articles for your blog so so that you can share what you have written for others to read.

If each time you publish a blog post and you realize that people come to your blog, they read and leave comments, this means that your blog is a source of vital information to them.

Writing articles for your blog on a regular basis is the ideal thing to do to achieve blogging success. Blog on a regular basis so that when people do a blog search, you will always have a stream of traffic coming to your site.

2. Network As Much As Possible

Networking plays a big roll in blogging success. You have to make sure that you communicate with people who are bloggers in your niche.  This will help them to see that you want to become blogging buddies.

Share their contents and they in turn will do the same for your content.

When you network with other bloggers you can get great blogging ideas for your next blog post.

You may have a minor error on your blog that you need help with, if you make friends through networking then you may be able to get some assistance through this as well.

Networking and leveraging social media will help you build a impressive brand for you and your blog.

3. Traffic Is Needed For Success

Tons of traffic is what will help a blog to become successful.

If you want to become a successful blogger then you have to make it your aim to get traffic to your blog. Remember without the traffic then you will never be a successful blogger who makes money blogging.

What you need to do is participate in guest posting, forum submission, blog commenting, social networking and also write excellent articles for your blogs on a regular basis.

The more traffic that you have then the more success you will have.

Should more blogs be created since so many of them are failing?

Well yes!

Blogs will and should be created because they can become successful. I didn’t know that my blog would be this successful. Ileane didn’t know that her blog would have this much success.

What we do know is that if we put in the added work and dedicate much of our time to our blogs then they will become successful!

So don’t be afraid to become a blogger if you aren’t a blogger as yet. Start your blog today!

Anybody can make their blog successful.

It just takes a little time and patience, dedication and determination. With that then you can make your blog successful.

If you don’t mind sharing with us, what tips and tricks would you recommend for making more successful blogs?

Tagged as: blogging tips, blogs, Successful Blogs

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