Hello Fellow Forum Member,

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. My name is Elijah Carey and I’m the new owner of PassiveIncomeShortcut.com, an online training website for new web marketers. The training content was developed by a great guy and dedicated Internet marketer named Tony Wang. He has been in the business for years and shares his exact methods for earning a passive income online.

I want to offer you the opportunity to experience his proven methods with a discounted membership price. It currently is selling through Clickbank for a one-time fee of $47 for a lifetime membership.

But, I want everyone to take action this year so I’m lowering the membership price to just $23.

You’ll save over 50% by taking advantage of this special deal.


Here is an overview from the sales page about what you will have instant access to by joining:

I hold nothing back in this 5 day “Digital Bootcamp”… I’m giving you the complete, exact formula to show you how to make thousands on autopilot every month.

Now let me make something clear:

You don’t need any internet marketing knowledgeYou don’t need money for advertisingYou don’t need any HTML or programming experienceYou don’t need a business backgroundYou don’t even need to have the latest and greatest product (or any product for that matter…)

Here’s what you’ll discover in these 20 videos:

Day 1 – Choosing Your First Niche and Keywords
The key mindset shift and the reason why so many newbies- who would otherwise get rich- make no money…get this right and passive income is just around the corner.My 6 personal time management strategies to save you from months of wasted, unproductive effort (This builds a solid foundation for your 4-hour workweek lifestyle…and all your business success. You won’t find this anywhere else.)How to choose the hottest niche topics for your websites- without spending hours doing research (oh how I wish I knew this years ago).How to legally steal other successful people’s low competition niche ideas so transform them into profits right away (no preparation phase required).What to avoid when choosing a domain name… screwing this up will delay your first paycheck by at least a month.The simple basics of choosing the right hosting account. And what you must do once you control a certain number of sites if you want to avoid major search engine penalties.

Day 2 – Creating Your First “Internet Cash Machine”
The “core” pages your website needs to have to gain authority and trust- to the search engines AND consumers!The 15 essential WordPress plugins and how you NEED to optimally configure them to attract high rankings in the search engines and gain tons of happy visitors. This can mean “sink or swim” for your online business.The exact WordPress theme we use to turn a $1.99. info domain into a $100/week earner! If you’re not using this theme you’re leaving money on the table.Where to find the best templates to make your site to stand out from all the other rookie, junk websites on the internet…and have visitors stay on YOUR site longer.

Day 3 – Becoming the Expert In Your Niche
Google Panda updates wiped out low-quality content websites. This is how you show Google that you DESERVE the #1 spot.How to secure Google’s respect and top rankings by simply giving it what it wants. This is a secret that a****** w****** services hope you never find out.How to publish content your visitors will go CRAZY for – even if you know nothing about your niche (this makes online business so much easier)A hands-off ‘Set It and Forget It” autopilot content scheduling plan. The best Part? You charm search engines even more into loving your site. More love= More MoneyPower Article Marketing: How to write a high quality 600 word authority article in less than 20 minutes… And then transform one article into unique 6 articles.

Day 4 – Your Complete SEO and Traffic Blueprint
(this is the best part of the program) My 8-week, step-by-step blueprint for getting traffic to your site FROM DAY 1… while simultaneously accelerating it to page 1 of Google. A proven “SEO-traffic hybrid” battle plan.Effective Post panda SEO strategies that SEO companies use for their 5 figure clients’ sites. The fastest and safest ways to deliver free, organic traffic to your website. (most strategies taught today can get you Blacklisted from Google’s Search Engine)One of the best ways for new sites to gain Google’s trust by linking to the RIGHT SITES This helps Google classify you as an “authority site” rather than a weak imitation site.After that 2-week period, there’s only ONE specific type of backlink you need that will immediately shoot your site hundreds of ranking spots overnight. Higher rankings, of course means more visitors and greater profits.The best resources to outsource and automate your link building (yes we name specific names) to save your time and create your system of pumping out passive income websites.

Day 5 – Monetization Basics and Advanced Strategies
How to turn your arsenal of websites into your personal ATMHow to tap into the Adsense goldmine (yes, Adsense is still a goldmine) and turn it into your 24-hour cash cow. Adsense makes up a large portion of our passive income so we do love it.A sneaky, yet legal way to increase your Adsense CPC’s in 5 minutes that will double to quadruple your earnings ALMOST INSTANTLY… advertisers hate this (but you’re going to LOVE this secret after you use it for the first time)The fastest way to get an approved Adsense account – even if you’ve been previously banned by Google!The hottest affiliate networks to join and which monetization methods to avoid.The exact 30-second email template that convinced my affiliate manager to bump up my commission – from 25% to 50%- doubling my profits instantly.5 simple psychological tweaks to get more people to willingly click your affiliate links, bringing you more money with the same amount of traffic. This section is truly the icing on the cake.
Still unsure? Please send me a private message before purchase. I am here to answer your pre-sale questions.

Thank You.