
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Take Baby Steps Towards Your Blogging Goals For Success

A baby takes their first step any day after 12 months of watching his mum and dad running around to care for them, and the desire to be up and running like their parents shows in baby’s eye.

It isn’t a fast process and you can’t expect him/her to be running around the house soon.Steps Toward Your Blogging Goals

Blogging is the same process which also takes a lot of time to be up and running at full speed. Many bloggers start blogs these days with grandiose dreams of making lots of money and getting thousands of readers.

While there’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, because it is absolutely possible to build blogs that are widely successful and profitable, but the reality is that It takes a lot of time and hard work to achieve it.

Babies can’t dream of running overnight; they take the first steps and learn to walk slowly. So new bloggers can also do well If they spend more time thinking about the first steps and setting proper blogging goals that will bring them closer and closer to the bigger dreams they have.

I had a chat with a brand new blogger sometime back who had some very big dreams and blogging goals, I reflected back to him that  instead of the big dreams he could benefit more by setting some realistic, short term goals. By short term I mean something where he could see results over a period of “3 weeks” or “2 months”.

Here are some examples of short term blogging goals that I would suggest every upcoming blogger set during their first steps:

Publish 20 quality blog postsWork on the design of your blog to make it stand out and easy to navigateLeave a 20 awesome comments on other CommentLuv enabled blogs in your niche for engagementGet your first comment from someone you don’t knowGet your blog indexed by Google and other search engines like BingBuild a readership with more than 20 readers a dayHit a level of 200 unique visitors a dayDo your first guest post on another blogHit the level of 100 RSS or email list subscribersGet your blog earning $100 a month

For new bloggers these blogging goals can be really helpful to take their blog to new level quickly. These short term achievements will boost your confidence and give you the encouragement you need to keep growing.

Now you might think those are great goals and all, but how exactly one would accomplish them? How does one get people to visit a blog that is completely isolated on the web? How exactly is it the few random visitors I get would like my blog and my content? Plus I know that the readers of the blog should be the main source of promoting it, but how do I get the first readers?

Well, spend some time reading the information here on Basic Blog Tips, this is where you can find answers to all of those questions and more.

When babies achieve the first step, they work towards the next steps to be able to walk or run, maybe with the help of parents, but the babies also work hard and sometimes they even fall down too.

So, now If you’ve hit the target of your first step goals, start to increase them and double the numbers for your next step.

For newborns to blogging setting realistic blogging goals can be the key to keep your sanity. It’s really great to have lofty ambitions and to keep them in mind daily. It might be a small accomplishment that will keep you going everyday, and then it starts to get easier to keep the momentum moving forward for your blog.

In today’s world we are thinking about instant gratification as a way of getting things done. We sometimes forget that it’s a journey to get anywhere in life and too often we think that the end result is what which matters the most. In fact It’s a process of getting there which matters the most and which is meaningful.

Being able to build a blog as well as following requires you to be honest with yourself like a baby and learn the idea of taking it one step at a time.

Do you agree with me on this? What do you think of those short term and first step blogging goals?

Tagged as: blogging goals

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