
Thursday, December 27, 2012

One Direction Prank: Teen's Family Puts On Boy Band Masks During Christmas Lunch

When Beth, a teenager from the U.K., stepped away from the table during her family Christmas lunch to use the bathroom, this is the image she returned to:


Beth -- a huge One Direction fan who prefers to stay anonymous -- shared the adorable backstory with us via email:

The saga started late on Christmas Eve when I was called down from bed by my parents. When I walked into the room there was a lifesize cutout of Niall Horan. You can imagine how I reacted to seeing him in my living room!!!

My parents thought that my reaction was so funny that the following day (during Christmas lunch) I went upstairs to go to the restroom for a couple of minutes. When I came down you can only imagine what I saw... the whole of 1D in my dining room. This time they were moving!!!

For a split second I had sensory overload and actually thought they were in front of me, including Niall standing in the background!!!! Yet again, I reacted to the scene in the dining room and, yet again, not only were my parents laughing at me, but so were my grandparents!!

Reality then kicked and it was at this point that I thought it would be a good idea to tweet the picture as I still could not believe my eyes.

I cannot believe the amount attention this photograph has generated and I'm very pleased that Directioners from all over the world have enjoyed the moment with me.

For more hilarious One Direction pranks, check out this video of the boys pretending to be wax figures at Madame Tussaud's and this video of Louis and Zayn pranking Liam, Harry and Niall on Nickelodeon.

What do you think this family's silly prank? Sound off in the comments below or tweet your reactions @huffpostteen!

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