
Friday, December 21, 2012

The Mayan Apocalypse Rules for Marketers

Part of your Web Presence & SEO Strategy is a Good Idea by Krista LaRiviere, gShift Labs

As you may have heard, 2012 has the distinction of shouldering the demise of Planet Earth. At least, that's what the Mayans said. According to the calendar created by this ancient civilization, the world will end on December 21, 2012, and there isn't a thing we can do about it.

NASA says the prediction is rubbish, but that hasn't stopped marketers from capitalizing on the forbidding idea with movies, television programs, and ad campaigns. It's a natural inclination to want to tap into hot topics and cultural trends, and this event - theoretical though it may be - is getting its fair share of attention from brands.

In February, Parisian ad agency Buzzman launched "The Last Greeting Card Ever" - a hilarious case study-style take on the Mayan Prophecy as a 5,000-year long marketing campaign. The agency is known for its viral videos, and this was no exception: the video has received over 75,000 YouTube views and was picked up by countless blogs.

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