
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

10 Ways to Increase the Odds of Getting Editorial Links

One of the problems with public relations is that you can't always guarantee editorial coverage. And when you do score some major media coverage, the sweet taste of success can be a little soured for the SEO team through the absence of what could have been a very tasty editorial link. So how can you maximize the chances of getting that powerful link?

Here are some suggestions that will help to swing the odds in your favor.

1. Be newsworthy. Your story must be newsworthy, period. It's an absolute must if you are to stand any chance of getting a link. But "newsworthy" doesn't mean blockbuster stories that spread like wildfire; often it just means telling a good story well.

Media stories can be broken down into different templates that are used over and over again. Inspiration is all around you.

So grab your target publications and have a good read - not a quick scan, but take your time to really digest the stories you find. Ask yourself these questions:

What was the story about?What attracted your attention?How do you think that story got there?How could you create a similar type of story for your business?What could you do better?

The more you understand about the stories that "made it," the more you'll be able to craft your own.

And when you present a newsworthy story, your chances of getting an editorial link increase.

2. Partner with PR professionals. If you're new to the public relations game, you can learn a lot by working with a PR professional. Casie Gillette, director of online marketing, KoMarketing Associates is an SEO who has spent a lot of time working with PR teams. She admires the negotiating skills of PRs and has used them to good effect.

"PR professionals have spent their entire career building relationships and know all about negotiation with the media - something that SEOs don't generally know a lot about. We worked with a client's PR team to set up an exclusive and the results in terms of visits and links were incredible," said Gillette.

3. Ask for a link - politely! You might be tempted to demand a link from a reporter along the lines of "you can only use my story if you give me a link." This is definitely not to be recommended because:

It's unprofessional and shows you don't understand the dynamic of public relations.The reporter will almost certainly say "no" and move on - you'll be too much hassle and they've got other people to interview and other stories to cover.You lose the coverage for you or your client - editorial coverage in itself is awesome - and by holding out for a link you've just messed up!Perhaps because of the policy of the publication, the journalist has no power to give you a link.

So never demand because you're not really in a position of strength. It's best to give reporters the stories they want and when they're feeling warm toward you, that's the time to ask if it would be possible to link to your site.

4. If you've got breaking news, invite reporters to link to the original source. Mike Essex of broke a story on how he found that e-books were becoming the new content farms. The story was covered on a lot of media including CBS News, which included a nice editorial link.

However, not all the sites that covered the story gave an editorial link. Essex got in touch and rather than asking them to link, he suggested they let their readers check out the original source - by linking of course. "That was a far more effective link building strategy than saying can we have a link please?" said Essex.

5. Create more in-depth resources that extend your story. Publications online and offline have limited space for stories and therefore a good news story can only tell part of the story. One great way to improve the chances of a link is to provide additional value on your site.

The classic case is with market surveys. A good press release can grab the press' attention but they can't publish the whole story. That's where creating rich content based on the results can attract editorial links (see "18 Ways to Create Unique Content From Survey Results").

"One of the biggest mistakes traditional PR can make, especially when they're issuing a report as an exclusive is not to publish the report on their own site," says Ken Deutsch of "That's where the SEO side comes in - together PR and SEO can get terrific editorial links."

Another resource that works well is the in-depth story. Here's an example of where the BBC linked to the story of chocolate on Cadbury's website:

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