One of our favorite things to do at Think Traffic is ask you, the readers, what you think about various topics and debates within blogging, entrepreneurship, and online business.
Some of our “ask the readers“ posts are mentioned all over the web, like this one about pop-ups, and this one was even mentioned on stage at the World Domination Summit by Chris Guillebeau.
Well, today we’d like to know:
What is holding you back from where you want to be online?Maybe the answer is financial, physical, or even psychological, but I challenge you to nail down exactly what it is that is holding you back so that you can work to overcome it. If you never find out what is keeping you from achieving your goals, you’ll never reach them.
Let us know in the comments below this post what is holding you back from where you want to be online.
Last Time on “Ask the Readers”Previously on “ask the readers” we asked, “is it better to publish as a guest post or is posting it on your own site better?”
My favorite answer came from James Clear. Here’s an excerpt:
“If you’re serious about building a brand online, then your absolute best stuff should always go on your site. In my opinion, if you’re not demanding that you deliver your best stuff to your own audience, then you’re not serious about becoming an authority in your area.
Additionally, I think it’s easy for us to get caught up in our tiny section of the blogosphere and forget that it’s a really big world out there. 99.9999999% of the people in the world have never heard of Copyblogger or Problogger or Think Traffic.
Here’s what that means: if a post is going to go truly viral, then it should be on your site. The likelihood of a post going viral simply because it was on a “bigger” site than yours is very unlikely. What are the odds that your post goes up on a big blog, a social media power user happens to see it, and it ends up going viral because of that? Why not just post it on your site and email a group of 10 power users who might be interested? That sounds like a better use of your time and energy.”
Back to today’s question: What is holding you back from where you want to be online?
Let us know in the comments below.
Written by Caleb Wojcik. Caleb Wojcik is the Operations Manager of Think Traffic, founder of Pocket Changed, and author of The Get Paid Manifesto. He is also the creator of Make It Rain: an all-encompassing personal finance course. You can follow him on Twitter.
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In my experience nothing holds you back more than NOT KNOWING WHAT TO DO.
Things have to be laid out in an easy to understand simplified way that is intuitive and practical.
Once they are presented like this then people take off.
Think Home Depot and their tile workshops.
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