
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Logo Contest $50 via Paypal.

Running another contest for a logo design. This time its for a law firm that focus on traffic violation (DUI, Speeding Tickets etc etc)

The law firm's name will be Meltzer and Bell, P.A., D/B/A The Traffic Stop.. They want to focus on the "The Traffic Stop" and will be using as their domain and it will be part of their official name.

Company slogan will be: "Your first line of defense"

Typical, in they are not totally sure what they want, but offered the idea of a red stop sign.

Thank you in advance for all those who provide an entry.


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Lynette Mae: Religious Defiance, Thank God!

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I'm a Christian, and I'm perplexed. Can somebody please explain to me why folks who profess to believe in the teachings of Jesus are forever bastardizing his message?

Our most recent example of faith-based hypocrisy comes from a story about a father who loves his son and simply wants to support his son completely. The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Ogletree, a minister of the United Methodist Church, was asked by his son to officiate his wedding. What an awesome thing, right? Right! Except that his son was marrying a man. Uh, oh. Dr. Olgletree says that his son's request inspired him, and he readily accepted. Two of the reverend's children are gay, and he loves and accepts them unconditionally. His daughter previously married her partner in a non-Methodist ceremony.

Dr. Olgletree conducted the ceremony for his son back in October, and no doubt it was a joyous family occasion. Then one of the reverend's fellow ministers saw the wedding announcement in the newspaper and apparently felt it his sacred duty to tattle on Dr. Ogletree to the local bishop. Rev. Randall C. Paige and several other ministers object to Dr. Ogletree's actions, citing violations of canonical law. They say the ceremony is "a chargeable offense" under the church's rules, and that breaking the laws are not the proper way to bring about change.

Really? Um, Jesus broke the laws of his lifetime by renouncing Old Testament teachings publicly, throwing the money lenders out of the temple, cavorting with known prostitutes, pretty much thumbing his nose at much of the religious doctrine of the day, and the list goes on. It seems like he thought that breaking the law was exactly the way to bring about change at times. Unjust laws meant to demonize or marginalize minority groups are always overturned by acts of civil disobedience, because morally unjust laws cannot and should not stand. So how is it that these religious scholars would assert that breaking the rules is not the way to effect change? Guess they skipped those parts of the New Testament. The complaining reverends say that Dr. Olgetree's actions injure the church because they foster "confusion in the church about what we stand for." Shouldn't the church be standing for love, honesty, family and stuff like that?

Dr. Olgletree is awe-inspiring. "Sometimes, when what is officially the law is wrong, you try to get the law changed," he said. "But if you can't, you break it." He challenged Rev. Paige, saying, "Dr. King broke the law, Jesus of Nazareth broke the law.... So you mean you should never break the law, no matter how unjust it is?" I'm pretty sure that that's exactly the premise that our great country was founded upon, and I hope that we never lose that belief in standing up for "right" over "law." Rules and laws are made in given periods of time based upon the knowledge folks have to work with, but we evolve. We grow. We change.

These changes come largely through interacting with people who may be different from us. That's why I always say that we change hearts and minds one person at a time. The good reverend understands that the teachings of Christianity call us to be loving and compassionate toward one another, not judgmental or hateful. When we open our hearts to the lives and love of others, we cannot help but grow. That's the human experience. The reverend, only wanting to fully participate in his son's marriage, as any parent would, unwittingly became a symbol of religious defiance. He said, "I actually wasn't thinking of it as an act of civil disobedience or church disobedience. I was thinking of it as a response to my son."

Amen, Reverend.

Follow Lynette Mae on Twitter:

Get Alerts I'm a Christian, and I'm perplexed. Can somebody please explain to me why folks who profess to believe in the teachings of Jesus are forever bastardizing his message? Our most recent example of fait... I'm a Christian, and I'm perplexed. Can somebody please explain to me why folks who profess to believe in the teachings of Jesus are forever bastardizing his message? Our most recent example of fait...

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Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: The High Cost of Ignoring Medical Advice

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It's up to you, people. All we doctors can do is examine you, diagnose you, write prescriptions for you and give you our best advice on how to prevent, treat or cure you. We're not Nurse Ratched in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," lining up patients, handing them a paper cup of water along with a pill, and watching for the Adam's apple to bob as they swallow. It's just not possible for doctors to make every patient take pills as prescribed. Research points to some things the healthcare system can do to help, but at some point, the ball is in your court.

Sure, you probably did some research to get to what you see as the finest healthcare team available for your condition. You ask questions, you go through diagnostic procedures, and you listen to advice.

But some of you disappoint on the follow through. Maybe you've read something on the web that contradicts what your trusted physician said. Or maybe you don't want to put up with a side effect of a drug. Maybe you have trouble remembering to take your pills, or you don't have the money to pay for them, or you just don't like taking pharmaceuticals.

As many as 40 percent of you — especially older adults — don't take prescribed drugs as directed, or at all. You ignore physician advice, becoming what the medical community calls "noncompliant" or "nonadherent." And while that's your own business, noncompliant patients cost the healthcare system $290 billion a year.

The High Cost of Drugs

Enough lecturing. Let's look deeper at why some people don't take their physicians' advice. Among the leading reasons is the cost of prescription drugs. As medical costs have risen, health plans have asked patients to pay higher co-pays for their pharmaceuticals. Higher out-of-pocket costs can be a significant burden, especially for older patients who take several drugs.

Many newly diagnosed people delay filling their first prescription because of cost. When researchers looked at three common conditions that depend greatly on drug therapy for control — high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes — they found that those who had a higher co-pay ($10 compared to $5 per prescription) often delayed filling their first prescription for several months.

Of patients with hypertension, when the co-pay was $5 per prescription, 55 percent filled the first prescription within the first year, but when the co-pay doubled to $10, that number dropped to only 40 percent. For high cholesterol, those numbers were 40 percent when the co-pay was $5 and 31 percent when it was $10. And when the diagnosis was diabetes, 46 percent of patients filled their first prescription within a year with the lower co-pay, but only 40 percent filled it that soon when the co-pay was $10.

In one survey, a quarter of patients on Medicare reported not getting their prescriptions filled because of cost. But some people try to save money by being just a little noncompliant: They'll fill one or two of the three or four prescriptions they have, or they'll skip doses, or take reduced doses, to make a prescription last longer.

With all categories of drugs, studies consistently show that 20 percent to 30 percent of the prescriptions patients clutch in their hands as they leave their doctors' offices are never filled, and half of the patients don't take the drugs as directed.

Other Reasons for Not Following Doctors' Orders

It seems that the more prescriptions a person has, the more likely he or she will skimp on some or all of them. Patients with high blood pressure, asthma and depression, for example, are less likely to strictly comply with doctors' orders. Cultural attitudes toward medications are a significant factor. And, surprisingly since women go to doctors more regularly than men do, women are less likely than men to consistently take their medications for high blood pressure. Side effects like dry cough, diarrhea or sexual dysfunction also can discourage people from taking the drugs that can protect their health and prolong their lives.

Some areas of noncompliance are truly shocking. For example, a woman fighting breast cancer likely has already been through the difficulties of surgery and chemotherapy. Studies have shown that hormonal therapy taken for one year after treatment reduces the risk of recurrence by 12 percent; after two years, such therapy reduces risk by 29 percent; and up to five years of hormonal therapy reduces the risk of recurrence by almost half. Yet one study of women taking hormonal therapy after breast cancer treatment found that after four years, compliance rates dipped to 50 percent. Another study found that among women prescribed tamoxifen, which can improve the 10-year survival rate for breast cancer patients, 17 percent stopped taking the drug after two years.

As we ponder why a breast cancer patient might be reluctant to follow through and increase her odds of long-term survival with a drug regimen, there's an equally puzzling group of patients. About one quarter — between 22 percent and 28 percent — of kidney transplant patients don't comply with their anti-rejection drug regimens. After surviving a waiting list for a transplant and enduring the surgery, and with the ax of lifelong kidney dialysis hanging over their heads if the organ fails, some recipients fail to follow through by taking the drugs that allow their bodies to accept the donated kidney. Persistent low compliance with these drugs costs an estimated $33,000 over three years for each noncompliant patient.

Another head-scratching example of nonadherence with medical recommendations — this one not involving medication — involves vasectomy. One study followed 1,892 men who opted for the male contraceptive procedure and found that 644 of them, or 34 percent, never went back to the doctor to test a semen sample. They went through the emotional, psychological and physical efforts required of such a procedure, then never bothered to find out if it worked.

Improving Compliance

This is a significant and costly problem, and research is beginning to provide some answers for improving patient compliance. Doctors and patients should be having honest discussions about cost, since that's the number one reason people don't take their medications as prescribed. In some cases, physicians can try to find appropriate generic or lower-cost drugs. Doctors can ask patients if they are taking their medications as directed, and can educate patients about the importance of compliance.

Pharmacists also can take note when ongoing prescriptions are not refilled. Some health systems make phone calls to see if patients are following orders. Phone calls or email follow-up can uncover problems with cost or side effects, and begin to offer possible solutions. For instance, many pharmaceutical companies have programs to provide medications on a compassionate or reduced-cost basis to patients who cannot afford them.

Patients tend to take their prescriptions more reliably if the routine is easy, so physicians can look for slow-release drugs, once-a-day regimens, or combination pills that can make things easier. Simplifying drug regimens when it comes to medication for high blood pressure, for example, increased adherence by up to 20 percent.

As our healthcare system slowly begins to make the changes necessary to keep it afloat, you might get more nagging phone calls from your doctor's office, or even from your pharmacist. Take them in the spirit in which they're offered, and please discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider. In the long run, following medical advice will save money and protect your health.

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Available domains

Good question, fscisum, glad to have you here on DP.

PR = PageRank, google's link analysis algorithm, in general, there are 11 values, from PR 0 to PR 10. Higher value means more links, means it would be easier for visitors to find your website.

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6 Keyword Research Mistakes You Might be Making


“Keyword research is an all too often under-appreciated aspect of SEO.
I’ve written a few keyword research posts here on SEOmoz and that’s because I believe it to be the blueprint of any successful SEO campaign.

Here are some of the more common mistakes that I see people make with their keyword research.

#1 – You’re being Unrealistic

“It is better to have a bigger slice of a few smaller pies rather than not getting even a slither of a much bigger pie.”

Keyword research appears to be a very straightforward task. You fire up your keyword research tool of choice and find the keywords that relate to your industry with the highest search volumes. Sadly, that’s not the way to do it if you want to see real results.

To many businesses, high-competition keywords are simply out of reach – at least in the short and medium term. Part of good keyword research is about being realistic and selecting appropriate keywords for targeting that take into account the site’s age, current authority and any future optimization that will take place.

Targeting one word keywords is quite often unrealistic but it may also prove unprofitable – someone searching for ‘Toshiba l670 laptop’ is likely to be much further along in the purchasing process that someone who searches for ‘laptops’ – think about which searcher is likely to have their credit card out already.

There’s nothing wrong with targeting generic keywords, I’m simply saying that if your campaign has limited budget and you need results in the short to medium term then targeting less trafficked, less competitive keywords is a much better way to utilize resources.

Lower traffic but lower competition keywords might not seem as exciting to target but if your website can dominate these areas fairly quickly then you are going to see far more traffic from the search engines than failing to effectively target a much more competitive term.

#2 – You’re looking at broad match instead of exact match

A seemingly simple mistake but one which many people continue to make…
Search volume is of course a very important metric when it comes to keyword research but all too often people make the mistake of looking at broad search volumes rather than the exact match figure when using tools like Google’s Keyword Tool.

There can be a huge difference between broad match and exact match search traffic for example:

There are 135,000 broad match searches each month in the UK for ‘dog kennels’ but only 14,800 exact match searches for the same keyword. Still, this wouldn’t prove particularly problematic as this is obviously still a keyword worth targeting – it would knock traffic and ROI projections way off kilter if you do these kinds of things though.

The real problem comes when you choose to target a keyword like ‘ladies leather handbags’ which has a broad match search volume of 2,400 but an exact match search volume of only 260 – failing to base your research on exact match data might mean you think you are targeting a reasonably well-trafficked keyword when in actual fact, once you’ve factored in data inaccuracies, you could be looking at a very low search volume keyword indeed.

It is widely accepted that Google’s Keyword Tool isn’t entirely accurate when it comes to search volumes but using exact match gives you the best data available when assessing how viable a keyword is to target.

#3 – You’re targeting plural instead of singular

It is very common to see a website targeting the plural version of a keyword but in most cases, it is the singular version of a keyword that people are searching for.

I see this most often on eCommerce websites where the site owner optimizes category pages and because they sell more than one product, they naturally focus on the pluralized keywords for example “tablet PCs” which actually gets 91% less searches than “tablet PC”.

I will readily admit that Google is much better at determining that a singular and plural version of a keyword are one and the same, but in many cases there are still differences in the search results. Failing to target the singular keyword can be the difference between your search listing being highlighted in the SERPs (=higher click through) and it can also mean your website appears lower (even slightly) than marginally better targeted pages – that could be the difference between making a sale and not.

#4 – You’re ignoring conversion

This one could easily turn into a rant for me because so often I come up against clients who want to rank for [insert trophy keyword] when in actual fact they’d do better (financially) targeting a different keyword or set of keywords. I try to explain that a keyword that brings in traffic is wasted bandwidth if that traffic doesn’t convert. You don’t hire my company to get traffic for traffic’s sake…you presumably hire us to help you ultimately make more sales.

The online world is competitive and it’s only going to get more competitive, therefore making the most of every penny being invested is vital.

This makes conversion and language analysis a vital part of keyword research. The human mind is the only software capable of performing a good quality ‘conversion audit’ of a keyword list because whilst there are programs out there that can filter and sort keywords to make your life easier, there’s no real substitute for industry experience and SEO knowledge.

There are some very basic indicators for example prefixes such as ‘buy’ might be a clear indicator that the traffic from this keyword is going to convert.

A keyword conversion audit is more complex than that however since each situation and market is individual. I find existing data to be a very useful way to determine which keywords are likely to convert well. If you have goal tracking setup with Google Analytics, you can easily determine the highest converting keywords your site currently gets traffic from, try to identify patterns in your highest converting keywords and then translate and apply this knowledge to other areas of keyword research.

#5 – You’re selecting keywords that are out of context

This is yet more rationale to further humanise the keyword research process because most keyword tools struggle to compute words and their meaning in the way a human would.

For example, a searcher looking for ‘storage’ could be looking for a self-storage centre, boxes and other storage furniture for the home or even professional storage solutions for a warehouse or office.

Opportunities for confused targeting are abundant which is why it is essential the keywords you decide to target are highly-relevant and laser-focused towards what your business offers.

A good way to do this is to search manually for the keywords in Google and see the kinds of results that come up, you will likely be able to get a feel for whether the keyword is applicable to the product or service you intended to target.

#6 – You’re failing to conduct keyword reviews

It is accepted that SEO is an on-going process but rarely are target keywords reviewed and audited. If a marketplace is shifting over time then you would also expect customer search behaviour to develop and evolve over time too – this makes regular keyword reviews essential.

In most markets, I find an annual review is perfectly adequate. Any time period shorter than this and there is a risk that targeting becomes a bit chaotic with efforts focused on new keywords before results on old keywords have been achieved or evaluated.

That being said, in some competitive and very fast moving markets a more regular keyword review may be required.

The aim of a keyword review is to:

* Weed out poor performing keywords
* Identify opportunities and areas for growth
* Shape your SEO strategy for the future

To do a strategic and actionable keyword review you can use this adapted version of the Boston Matrix that I like to use.

Large brands use the Boston Matrix to assess the health of their product portfolio and to identify where to concentrate their resources.

You can do the same thing for your keyword portfolio.

Sort your keywords into four categories in order to better shape your search strategy for the future.

Question marks – these are keywords in areas where growth is likely but at present you’re not getting the performance you’d expect. These are very often untapped keyword opportunities and you should plan how you are going to improve performance on these kinds of keywords.

Stars – high-performance keywords and loads of room for growth – find ways to capitalise on growth. My advice is to focus your resources of gaining results in these areas for maximum ROI in a short period of time.

Dogs – the poor performing keywords with little or no chance of growth – bin these in favour of other keywords, reallocate any resources to other areas.

Cash cows – the high performing keywords that show little opportunity for growth – look for ways to enhance and maintain performance whilst identifying patterns and translating this learning to other areas or verticals.

What mistakes do you see happening in the keyword research process? Please share them in the comments section below…”

By James Agate, founder of Skyrocket SEO and a regular SEO contributor to leading blogs and publications across the web.

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Would you use this template for your WordPress Website?

I'm looking to submit this theme to ThemeForest:

Omicron -

I've submitted it once, and it was turned down. Since then I've been tweaking the design, as I've been told the initial design was a little outdated. I am quite new to designing websites, so any help is much appreciated.

Also, the template is predominantly for photographers/artists to use to display their work, hence the imagery on the site.

Thank you :)

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Which social network should I invest in?

Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Things You Should Do After Installing WordPress

After you have installed WordPress, you may tweak a few settings to further optimize the performance and security of your WordPress website. Here’s a complete guide to optimizing your WordPress installation.

It takes two easy steps to install WordPress but you may tweaking some of the default settings to further optimize the performance and also improve the security of your WordPress website.

Wordpress Optimization Guide

These suggestions are only applicable to self-hosted sites and not blogs that are hosted on Also, I assume that you are running WordPress on Apache. Let’s get started:

The default installation of WordPress will store all your images, documents and other uploads inside the wp-content/uploads folder.

It is always a good idea to store your images outside the WordPress folder, preferably on a sub-domain. This offers a few advantages. Your image URLs will be relatively shorter, your daily WordPress backups will be more manageable and, most important, serving images from a different domain will allow parallel downloads and thus improve the page loading time (see Yahoo Performance Rules).

WordPress 3.5 (or later) does not offer an option to change the default media upload folder but there’s a plugin to bring those settings back. Also deselect the option – “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders.”

If you look at the HTML source code of your WordPress site, you will find a couple of meta tags that aren’t really required. For instance, the version of WordPress software running on your server can be easily retrieved by looking at your source header.

This information is like a good hint to WordPress hackers who are looking to target blogs that are using the older and less secure versions of WordPress software. To completely remove the version number and other non-essential meta-data from your WordPress header, add this snippet to your functions.php file found in the WordPress themes folder.

remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_generator' ) ; remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link' ) ; remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rsd_link' ) ;

The WLW-Manifest function (line #2) is used by Windows Live Writer to download the styles / themes used in your WordPress blog. Windows Live Writer users who do not use the live preview feature may turn off this function.

Since you would not like anyone to browse your WordPress files and folders using the explorer view in web browsers, add the following line to your .htaccess file that exists in your WordPress installation directory.

Options All -Indexes

Also make sure that there’s a blank index.php in the wp-content/themes and wp-content/plugins folder of your WordPress directory.

The comment box is WordPress is a mini HTML editor and commenters can use standing HTML tags like , , , to format their comments. They can even add hyperlinks in their comment. If you would like to disallow HTML in WordPress comments, add this snippet to your functions.php file.

add_filter( 'pre_comment_content', 'wp_specialchars' );

WordPress includes a helpful document revisions feature to help you track changes and you can also revert to any previous version of your blog posts. Post revisions do however increase the size of WordPress wp_posts table as each revision means an additional row.

To disable post revisions in WordPress, open the wp-config.php file in your WordPress directory and add the following line:

define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', false);

Alternatively, if you would like to retain the Post Revisions functionality, you may just limit the number of posts revisions that WordPress stores in the MySQL database. Add this line to the wp-config file.

define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', 3);

Reference: Editing wp-config.php (WordPress Codex)

When you are editing a blog post inside the WordPress editor, it will auto-save your drafts as-you-type and this will help in recovering your work in case the browser crashes. The drafts are saved every minute but you can change the default duration to say 120 seconds (or 2 minutes) by adding a line to your wp-config.php file.

define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 120 );

Your WordPress syndicates multiple RSS Feeds – the blog feed, article feeds, comments feed, category feeds, archive feeds, etc. – and these are auto-discoverable as they are included in the HTML header of your blog pages using the meta tag.

If you just want to publicize your main feeds, add these line to your functions.php file:

remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links', 2 ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3 );

In the previous step, we simply removed the RSS feeds from printing inside the header but the RSS feeds still exists. If you would like to have one RSS feed served through FeedBurner and disable all the other feeds, add this to your .htaccess file. Do remember to replace the feed URL with your own.

RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^.*(FeedBurner|FeedValidator) [NC] RewriteRule ^feed/?.*$ [L,NC,R=301]When you type a non-existent username or an incorrect password while logging into WordPress, it will provide a very detailed error message telling you exactly whether your username is wrong or the password doesn’t match. That’s bad.

Add this to your functions.php file to hide all the login-related warnings from displaying on the screen.

function no_errors_please(){ return 'GET OFF MY LAWN !! RIGHT NOW !!';}add_filter( 'login_errors', 'no_errors_please' );

This is highly recommended. If someone gets hold of your WordPress credentials, they will still need your mobile phone to get into your WordPress dashboard.

Unlike Dropbox or Google, 2-step authentication isn’t part of WordPress yet but you can always use plugins. Authy is popular for enabling 2-factor authentication though I prefer Authenticator since it can be used with the official Google Authenticator app.

Do not use the default Permalink structure of WordPress since it is bad for SEO.

Go to Options -> Permalinks inside your WordPress dashboard and change your WordPress Permalink structure. The recommended structure, from the SEO and performance perspective, is:


Your WordPress theme may not even include references to the favicon (favicon.ico) or the Apple touch icons but web browsers and feed readers may still request them from your server. It’s always better to serve a file than returning a 404.

Put a 16×16 favicon.ico and a 144×144 apple-touch.png file in the home directory of your blog. Then add this line to your .htaccess to redirect all apple touch icon requests to that particular file.

RedirectMatch 301 /apple-touch-icon(.*)?.png

You want Google and other search engines to crawl and index your blog pages but not the various PHP scripts that have been used by WordPress or the various plugins and themes.

Open the robots.txt file in your WordPress home directory and add these lines to block the bots from indexing the backend stuff of WordPress.

User-agent: *Disallow: /wp-admin/Disallow: /wp-includes/Disallow: /wp-content/plugins/Disallow: /wp-content/themes/Disallow: /feed/Disallow: */feed/

If your WordPress username is “admin,” create a new user and grant them administrator privileges. Now logout out of WordPress, log in as the new user and change the privilege of the user “admin” from Administrator to Subscriber.

You may even consider deleting the user “admin” and transfer any existing posts /pages to the new user. This is important for security reasons because we don’t people to guess the username that has administrator privileges to our WordPress installation.

XML Sitemaps will help search engines better crawl your site but you don’t want to search engines to actually show your sitemap in search results pages.

Add the following line to your .htaccess to prevent indexing of XML sitemaps.

Header set X-Robots-Tag "noindex"

Make sure your site search is powered by Google Custom Search and do not use the built-in search feature of WordPress.

WordPress search returns less relevant results and the other advantage is that it will reduce strain on your WordPress server /database since the search queries will be handled through Google.

Alternatively, if you plan to continue with WordPress built-in search, use the Nice Search plugin. It creates better permalinks for your WordPress search pages (/search/tutorials vs /?s=tutorials).

You can easily add another layer of security to your WordPress installation by password protecting the wp-admin directory. You’ll thus have to remember two sets of credentials for logging into WordPress – your WordPress password and the password that is protecting the wp-admin directory.

404 errors are a missed opportunity. You can use events in Google Analytics to log your 404 errors including details about the referring site that is pointing to that 404 page of your site.

Add this block inside your Google Analytics tracking code after the _gaq.push function.

_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', '404', document.location.pathname +, document.referrer, 0, true]);The unused plugins and themes won’t affect the performance of your WordPress website but the aim should be to have as little executable code as possible on our server. Thus deactivate and delete the stuff that you no longer need.

WordPress has a strange habit of guessing URLs and it does make mistakes in most cases. Let me explain. If a user request URL but if that page doesn’t exist, WordPress may redirect that user to just because the URLs have some common words.

If you would like WordPress to stop guessing URLs and instead issue a 404 Not Found error for missing pages, put this snippet in the functions.php file:

add_filter('redirect_canonical', 'stop_guessing');function stop_guessing($url) { if (is_404()) { return false; } return $url;}

The static files hosted on your WordPress website – like images, CSS, JavaScript, .txt, etc. – won’t change often and thus you may set Expire Headers against them so that the files get cached on the user’s browser. Thus, on subsequent visits, your site will load relatively faster as the JS and CSS files would be used from the local cache.

Refer to the .htaccess file of the HTML5 boilerplate template for details on setting up expiry headers. If you are using a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache, the cache control is managed by the plugin itself.

ExpiresActive OnExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 30 days"ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 30 days"ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 30 days"ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 week"ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 1 week"

I have discussed WordPress security in detail earlier. The gist is that you should add secret keys to your wp_config.php file, install a file monitoring plugin and also Limit Login to prevent brute force attacks.

When you are logged into your WordPress dashboard as an admin, you can easily edit any of the PHP files associated with your WordPress plugins and themes. If you would like to remove the file editing functionality (one missing semicolon can take down your WordPress site), add this line to your wp-config.php file:

define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );

If the web address of your WordPress site is, people can still reach your site if they add a few query parameters to the URL. For instance, or are, technically speaking, completely different URLs but will work just fine.

This is bad because it dilutes your link equity (SEO) and, in an ideal situation, you would like all URLs to point to the canonical version. Add this little snippet to your .htaccess file and it will strip the unnecessary query parameters from all incoming requests.

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !="" RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^p=.* RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^s=.* RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-admin.* RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /$1? [R=301,L]

Want more? Here’s a comprehensive list of WordPress plugins that I use and recommend. It would also help if you can master these essential Linux commands to better manage your WordPress installation from the shell.

View the original article here

Does Anyone Make Profits From Clickbank After Use ?

I got massage from popular internet marketing below here.

Do you want to make $2000 before new year?

and that is totally on autopilot!

Here is how :

Go sign up with Click and choose any product you like,
get your affiliate link or the hop link from

View attachment 100698

Sign up as advertiser and advertise your affiliate link or the hop link.

with SupportingAds you donot need to have your own website,
you can advertiser to the hop link directly.

Well , that is all what everyone is doing to make money with Click bank!.

As you pay $1 for 100 visitors in which you get 5 sales, each sale commission about $20?

Spend $100 you will end making about $2000


Please let me know anyone use this strategies to make money from here??

View the original article here

Google update May 2013

Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

View the original article here

sell bulk 20usd Skype Gift Card

sell bulk 20usd Skype Gift Card

Each 20usd Skype Gift Card for 8USD sell

If you buy 100+ vouchers, i give you a bulk price.

my skype:

my yahoo:hithotwinds

Payment accepted: LR, or wmz

I have many,you can buy bulk,but must send one ,pay one money once

because I afraid scam

View the original article here

Same keyword, Same Website but rank differ on and

its related to your targets,
which region you need to dominate?
so, you can optimize your site on it,,

every region have different competitor,
and you must know it,,

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Liz O'Connell: Kentucky Derby: Fairy Tales Can Come True ...

Get Sports Alerts: Sign Up 2013-05-09-orbfinishlinehp.jpgOrb winning the 2013 Kentucky Derby with Joel Rosario onboardPhoto © Penelope Miller/ABR

It can happen to you, if you are Shug McGaughey, Dinny Phipps, Stuart Janney III and Joel Rosario, and your horse is Orb. The fairy tale? Why the Triple Crown, of course.

With 2013 Kentucky Derby winner Orb, Hall of Fame trainer Claude "Shug" McGaughey has produced an athlete who has the goods to break the 35-year Triple Crown drought that has plagued racing since Affirmed battled Alydar, race by race by race, to win the title in 1978.

Orb's breeders and owners are Stuart Janney III and Phipps Family Racing. In fact, the Janneys have nurtured Orb's family since Stuart Janney II bred Bold Irish to Native Dancer in 1962 to produce Shenanigans. While Shenanigans was an OK race mare, she was a stupendous producer, named Kentucky Broodmare of the Year in 1975. Her outstanding offspring included the fillies Ruffian and Laughter, and the colts Buckfinder and Icecapade.

2013-05-09-orbbabylayingdownhp.jpgOrb as a foal, waking up from a snooze in a lush pasture at Claiborne Farm, KYPhoto © Dell Hancock

Shenanigans' female line continues through Laughter, after the heartbreaking loss of Ruffian following surgery. Laughter was a strong producer for the Janneys. Orb's dam (mother), Lady Liberty, is out of Mesabi Maiden, whose dam Steel Maiden was a daughter of Laughter.

Malibu Moon, Orb's sire (father), was injured when young, but carries the blood of Belmont Stakes and Breeders' Cup Classic winner A.P. Indy, 1977 Triple Crown winner Seattle Slew and British Triple Crown winner Nijinsky II; all are close enough to count as pedigree influences. Malibu Moon has emerged as a powerful sire of quality race horses.

Jockey Club foal registration photo for Lady Liberty '10, later known as Orb
Photo © James Sturdivant

Orb has a pedigree that likes the distances asked for in the Triple Crown races. He has something else, too. He's all race horse. His running style is to settle in the back of the field, then close strongly, picking off all contenders in his path. It's one thing to run that kind of race in good weather on a dry, fast track. That Orb ran his race in the Churchill Downs slop on Kentucky Derby day and that he came from behind ignoring the tsunami of mud being kicked up by the field in front of him, attests to his class.

Orb's not the only one on his team with a good racing pedigree. Stuart Janney III and Ogden Mills "Dinny" Phipps, scion of Phipps Family Racing, are cousins whose respective families have been in horse racing for decades. Indeed, grandmére Gladys Mills Phipps bred both Seabiscuit and Bold Ruler, a leading sire and sire of Secretariat. Janney's family bred and raced Ruffian and Private Terms. Coincidentally, television program West Wing actor Allison Janney is also part of the brood.

Orb's Kentucky Derby victory was Shug McGaughey's first. There was a close call in 1989 when the McGaughey trained Easy Goer could not hold off Sunday Silence for the Derby win. Although up until now Derby-free, McGaughey's career has been extraordinary with a dozen Breeders' Cup wins, scores of graded stakes and a stable of horses that included the likes of Personal Ensign, Easy Goer, Heavenly Prize, Lure, Storm Flag Flying, and on and on.

Within racing circles, McGaughey's outfit is well-respected and associated with him taking his time with a youngster, doing things right and doing them well. In a post-Derby news conference, he explained how he works with his longtime clients, "The Janneys and the Phippses have been around this for years. I think that they understand that we've got to be patient with these horses and try to make them last. They don't get in the way and that makes it easy for me to be patient and do what I've got to do to get the best of out of them that I possibly can."

2013-05-09-orbgalloping.jpgOrb showing his strength and stride prepping for the Kentucky DerbyPhoto © Penelope Miller/ABR

A few days after the Derby, McGaughey reflected, "I try to conduct myself in the right way and try to run my stable in the best possible way. I try to surround myself with good people, who played a role in this. I think that people have appreciated that. I had no idea that a horse race could bring that out."

Under Joel Rosario's cool hand, Orb negotiated the crowded Derby field and ran a textbook-perfect race. Winning the Kentucky Derby on Orb a few weeks after winning the $10 million Dubai World Cup riding Animal Kingdom has vaulted Rosario to the top earning jockey spot for 2013 with his mounts earnings in excess of $7.5 million so far this year. Rosario and Orb will reunite for the Preakness Stakes.

After the Derby, Orb flew to New York and was vanned over to Belmont Park where he has been out on the track each morning. It's expected Orb and his team will move their tack to Pimlico Race Course, Baltimore, Maryland, May 16, for the Preakness Stakes, May 18. And a bid for the Triple Crown continues.

Get Alerts Orb winning the 2013 Kentucky Derby with Joel Rosario onboard Photo © Penelope Miller/ABR It can happen to you, if you are Shug McGaughey, Dinny Phipps, Stuart Janney III and Joel Rosario, an... Orb winning the 2013 Kentucky Derby with Joel Rosario onboard Photo © Penelope Miller/ABR It can happen to you, if you are Shug McGaughey, Dinny Phipps, Stuart Janney III and Joel Rosario, an...

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Why does everybody hate paypal?

I use paypal for everything, but yes, it is a rule unto themselves and i hate that.
Did you know that anything (and i mean ANTHING) sold on ebay, that is delivered without insurance / signed delivery can be charged back and of course, all the buyers will refuse to pay the extra.
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Here is my experience as a buyer. A while ago i hired a webdesigner to work for me. I hired someone with a fantastic portfolio, I was happy to pay a high rate as I wanted really good results. Weeks later with no contact with the guy at all, i had no choice but to file a chargeback, instantly the guy contacts me, convinces me to close the dispute to give him another week to complete it and to open another dispute if i needed to later....

So in my stupidity, i close the dispute, put a note in paypal that I was closing it only to give the guy more time to deliver... and never heard from the designer again. Went to open the paypal dispute, and well, it is impossible, they fight you as they claim it was "resolved" bullshit. Wasnt resolved, they could see the guy never responded to it at all, they could see my note, but they kept sending me the automated replies saying that it has already been resolved...

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