
Saturday, December 15, 2012

How to Create an Aluminum Foil Funnel

5 authors | 9 revisions | Last updated: December 12, 2012

Quinn Ronzoni, WebDesigner, Sarshan, Flickety, ZareenPin ItArticle EditDiscuss

When trying to transfer liquids or oils from one container to another, pouring and mixing can get messy. If spouts are different sizes and you want to avoid dripping the liquid all over the counter (and yourself) consider using an easy-to-create funnel fashioned from aluminum foil.

Edit Steps1Create a model funnel using paper or soft cardboard that you can use as a mold. A file, flimsy, folder or piece of card will all be suitable.

2Wrap the paper in a funnel shape. Check to see if it fits in the container(s) you intend to use.

3Tape the model funnel together to hold it firmly. You now have a funnel model ready for wrapping the aluminum foil around.

4Tear off a sheet of aluminum foil, slightly longer than the funnel model. You want a slightly longer sheet in case you need to adjust the size.

Use only new foil for making the foil funnel. While you may want to repurpose the foil used to wrap last night’s meal, it will be weaker and may rip or tear.

5Wrap the foil around the model. Lightly tape one end of the foil to the funnel model. Wrap the foil around the model to create the foil funnel.

6Tape the other end of the foil together to complete the funnel. You may want to line the entire edge with tape to ensure it fully adheres.

7Remove the tape from the inside of the aluminum foil funnel to release it from the cardboard model. You will be left with a perfectly formed aluminum foil funnel.

8Use funnel immediately. This funnel can be easily crushed or changed so it’s best to put it to use right away.

Place a paper towel underneath the receptacle to avoid dripping (in case the funnel fails or liquid drips). Also place a paper towel underneath the funnel after removing it from the bottle.

Push the funnel deeply into the bottle when transferring liquid to reduce the possibility of spillage.

Edit TipsIn some cases you can recycle your aluminum foil funnel by gently washing it with warm water and mild dish soap.Check for holes or rips in the foil before using (a hole or tear will defeat the purpose of having the funnel).

Edit WarningsWhen using an aluminum foil funnel to transport poisonous or hazardous liquid properly dispose immediately (and properly) after use.

Edit Things You'll NeedCardboard, plastic file or other suitable strong but flexible item for forming the funnel modelTape (craft tape, masking tape, etc.); avoid using tape as strong as duct tape as it might rip the foil or cardAluminum (aluminium) foil/kitchen foilScissorsTowel (use when pouring items)

Edit Related wikiHowsHow to Make a Piping BagHow to Make a Double Boiler (Bain Marie)How to Make a Funnel or Cone from PaperHow to Make a Funnel from a Plastic Bottle

Edit Sources and Citations – research sourceArticle Info Featured Article

Categories: Featured Articles | Creating and Enhancing a Website

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