Put simply, if you want results from your website, you need to perform on your website - or have an expert SEO consultant do it for you. You have very little chance of high rankings without running an effective SEO campaign.
We provide a range of services to help ensure your website ranks highly in all the major search engines for the keywords most relevant to your business
These services include:
Free website auditSearch engine-friendly website developmentAutomated sitemap submissionSEO consultancy and ongoing SEO campaignsKeyword strategyLink building campaignsCopywritingWe have a track record of success! Whether you already have a website, need a search-engine friendly website built for you, or are having a new website built by someone else, we know how to make your website hit the top ten – and stay there. Call us now on 0800 126 222 or find out more about our SEO services.
Free website auditBefore you spend a cent on , get our free website audit that tells you what’s right and wrong with your website from an SEO perspective. We’ll highlight the key changes needed to significantly boost your search engine ranking and provide you with an action plan to make your website exceptional.
Search engine friendly website developmentAll our websites are designed from the ground up with search engines in mind. That means the website we build for you will appear in the search engines fast, and maximise your chances of achieving a high rank.
SEO consultancy and ongoing SEO campaignsYou want a website that generates lots of traffic. But you want that traffic to be high quality. Our SEO consultants work with you to ensure your website is aligned with your business and marketing objectives, and to develop a search engine campaign that sets your website up to generate the right traffic for your website.
Keyword strategyKeyword selection and implementation is one of the most important activities in the whole SEO process. Our SEO consultants will devise a keyword strategy based on your business objectives that will maximise your search rankings and bring well-qualified visitors to your website.
This includes:
identifying where the wrong keywords are holding you backselecting keywords that are relevant to your target audienceanalysing how to incorporate those keywords into your website contentimplementing the keyword strategy Web Design WorkView some of our recent web design work by clicking the logos below
Website Results designs and develops innovative web solutions that deliver exceptional business results for our customers. Based in Tauranga, New Zealand, we offer our website design, , and website optimisation services to companies in New Zealand and around the world.
Website Results is a division of Logistic Information Systems Limited, better known as Logis. Logis has been delivering customer-centric software solutions to its customers for over ten years.
Find out more.
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Website Results is based at 78 First Avenue, Tauranga 3110, New Zealand, but we do what we do across New Zealand and the world. Call us to find out more about what we do or for a no-obligation chat about your web project or website. You can also email us by filling out our contact form.
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