
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

12 Steps You Must Take to Quickly Become a Successful Blogger

You might be a frustrated blogger. I feel you.

Steps to become a successful blogger

I wrote for an audience of crickets, for many, many years.

I wondered why nobody read my blog and why I received no comments and like many of you, I found myself asking the question, “How Can I Be Successful?” I feel your pain. Do not give up!

Do not throw in the towel, because you can become a wildly successful blogger in your own right.

I returned home a few weeks ago from a 2 year working holiday of Southeast Asia. I have conquered my frustrations and more importantly I am helping an increasing number of bloggers do the same thing.

Decide to become successful now. Become so excited about living your blogging dreams that you cannot possibly think of quitting your blogging exploits. You can do it. You can succeed.

I believe in you and I’ll share with you 12 steps you must take to get the ball rolling and become one of the most successful bloggers in your niche.

Imagine yourself opening a corner store. I visited “warungs” in Bali to pick up a cool drink or a sweet snack. The lady running the warung works 7 days each week. She toils for 6 to 10 hours daily.

Why? You get what you put out there. You need to commit to the point that you treat your blog like an offline, brick and mortar business. Work at least 4, 6 or 10 hours daily on your blog if you want to become wildly successful.

Follow leaders from the blogging niche. Coaches need coaches. This is why Tiger Woods receives coaching and why Lebron James receives coaching and why Lionel Messi receives coaching. Bloggers possess blind spots. Coaches can reveal these blind spots to you.

Once you see where you need to improve you can improve. You can hire an accountability partner or simply learn from the best and most successful blogs in your niche. Monetizing your blog becomes simple if you follow the advice of authority bloggers.

Stop forcing out blog posts. Force negates. Stop trying to push out a hastily-written 300 word post. Write a keyword-rich, 600 to 800 to 1200 word post each time you decide to write.

Change your habits. Post your best work each time you write a post. Post once every 2 to 3 days if it takes you this long to write a keyword-rich, 1000 word blog post since you might work long hours on your full time job.

Think long term; a search-engine topping post beats 3 poorly-written posts.

Write a guest post the moment you learn of the guest posting opportunities. Do not hesitate or delay for you talk yourself out of writing and publishing the post.

Your ego plays tricks on you, grabbing for every low energy excuse in the book to keep your comfortable and failing as a blogger. Guard against this tendency. Write guest posts from a prolific space. Branch out, make friends, have fun and make money online.

This tip is far and away the most important thing you can do on a daily basis. You only become aware of your negative thoughts if you meditate, visualize, affirm or pray on a daily basis. Example: I churn out 1200 word blog posts fairly easily but I refrained from writing these style posts because I viewed the strategy as a time waster.

If I saw little feedback from individuals after writing 1 or 2 1200 word, keyword-rich, quality posts, I bailed on the strategy. Massive mistake here, and I only learned the mistake I made by meditating, quieting my mind and tuning in to the destructive head games I played with myself.

You want to make money online. Excellent. Make sure to build a bigger, grander goal, tied to something larger than yourself or bank account. Setting up only monetary goals ties you to outcomes, meaning that you quit fast if you do not make a set amount of money within 3 days, 1 week, or 1 month.

Think about providing a valuable service to people on the internet. Observe the awesome blog here, run by Ileane. She provides a valuable service to humanity by publishing valuable, in depth blog posts. Remember this each time you sit down to create a post and you cannot help but to inspire individuals.

I want to share a silly mistake I made with you. I only monetized my blog recently. Sure, I ran a cash gifting team and linked up to my capture page through my blogs but I never signed up for Adsense, or offered my consulting services until a few months ago. I did not monetize my blog to its full potential.

By ignoring monetization I neglected to use keywords or key phrases, and of course this mistake made it difficult for me to target my market.

Monetize your blog from Day 1. Gain clarity in whom you wish to attract. Your Adsense ads and of course overall results quickly reflect if you are targeting effectively.

This tip ties into Tip 3. Right now I sit at 836 words. I intend to write a helpful manual each time I publish a guest post or publish to my own blog.

Never stretch out a post of course but always go above and beyond word count to set an overachieving precedent. Once you adopt this mindset of stretching yourself you can become a successful blogger.

Look up top. “12 Tips.” These posts usually become amazingly popular because readers seek numerous, practical tips to apply to their problems. I see many bloggers struggle and I wish to help them, to share my success secrets, because struggling in the area of monetizing your blog is not necessary.

Use numbers to create order in the minds of your readers. Receive more clicks.

Scroll up and down the comments section to connect with like-minded bloggers.

I found massive tribes by becoming friends through the comments field. Stop by a blog. Read the post. Create an insightful comment. Become introduced to prospering opportunities.

I am taking a deep breath now. Bloggers tend to get stressed, worrying about making money online or generating leads or receiving more comments. Take a deep breath to relax, slow down your thoughts and become present.

OK, are you back in the here and now? Great. Proceed, stress free, and stop blocking the creative ideas which can build a blogging breakthrough for you.

Stop rushing. I immediately hopped on this guest posting opportunity but I am taking a break after wrapping up the post in 5 minutes. Revisit posts about 1o to 15 minutes after writing your first draft.

Think through your title. Does it make an impact? Yes? Good. If not though, think through a more intriguing title to grab the attention of your readers.

What tips can you add to this list?

How did you become a successful blogger?

Tagged as: Blog Monetization, blogging success

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