
Monday, September 30, 2013

Wordpress Wallpaper Auto Posting Script Required

Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

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How to Use Google AdSense Ads on your Responsive Website

Learn how to make your Google AdSense ads responsive with JavaScript. The most appropriate ad unit will automatically get served based on the width (resolution) of the visitor’s browser.

Responsive web design is a simple technique that makes your website look good across all screen sizes – be it the mobile phone, tablets, desktop computer or even the large-screen TV.

Google has also officially recommended that website owners use the responsive design approach instead of maintaining separate mobile and desktop website as responsive design “keeps your desktop and mobile content on a single URL.”

Responsive Google AdSense Ads

If you been using Google AdSense Ads on your responsive website, you may have noticed that, unlike your content, Google AdSense ads have a fixed width and they will not shrink or expand based on the screen size of the visitor.

For instance, if you are using the standard 728×90 leaderboard unit on your website, the ad unit may extend well beyond the screen if someone is viewing your website on a mobile phone that can only accomodate 320 pixels.

Google AdSense Ads aren’t responsive by default but there’s a simple JavaScript based workaround that will make your Google Ads respond to the screen size. Best of all, the Google AdSense team has officially approved our Responsive Ads technique.

Before we dive into the code, please take a look at this demo page.

The demo has exactly one AdSense unit above the fold but the size of the unit will vary depening on visitor’s screen. If you are viewing the demo on a widescreen, you’ll see a leaderboard ad while a mobile user will see a medium rectangle or even a 180×90 link unit depending on the screen resolution.

To get started, create multiple ad units (say 768×90, 468×60 and 300×250) inside your AdSense dashbaord and replace the relevant google_ad_client (ca-pub-1234) and google_ad_slot (AAA, BBB, etc.) identifiers in the code with your own values.

Next, copy-paste the above snippet anywhere on your web page and, based on the size (resolution) of the user’s device, the most appropriate AdSense Ad format will get served automatically. If you wish to include multiple AdSense ad units on the same responsive website, just use the same snippet of code but increment the ID (line #4 & line #8) such that they read google-ads-1, google-ads-2 and so on.

I wrote the first version in August 2012 and the updated code includes several enhancements:

The previous version used window.innerWidth and window.clientWidth properites to calculate the screen width but there were compatibility issues with older browsers. We are now using offsetWidth to compute the available width for ads which is even more reliable.You can now configure JavaScript to not display AdSense ads on very small screens. This is done by not specifying a valid google_ad_slot and setting the display property of the ad unit to “none” so that there’s no blank space anywhere.It is now easier to include multiple responsive ad units on single web page.

While it is always a good idea to confirm with your account manager, this technique isn’t against AdSense TOS as we aren’t resizing the ads or modifying the JavaScript code – we are just serving a different ad unit based on the visitor’s browser size.

AdSense publishers routinely perform split A/B testing to determine which colors schemes and banners sizes perform the best on their website – this is a similar technique.

Also see: Google AdSense Sandbox

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PR4 - One Word - many innerpage


I want to sell PR4, aged 6 years old, have many innerpage PR3 --> see image below.
Payment to paypal
Register in
BIN (get domain + website file)
Skype: reyhanbinbaz

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Solo Red Cup Party Ware

Leave it to the iconic symbol of college keg parties to come up with such an extensive line of party ware. The plastic red cup is no longer just for beer. It's moving away from beer pong and branching out in its party purpose. The red cup now comes in shot glass sizes and an extra-large 32 oz. beer size (our personal favorite). They're also shaped as wine glasses, margarita cups and even classy cocktail glasses.

Whether the red cup brings back great college memories or flashbacks of nights you wish to forget, this summer we think you can expect to see a lot of red cups -- thanks to the guys at Red Cup Living. Check them out below.

Want to read more from HuffPost Taste? Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr.

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32 oz. Icon XL Cup | $10

15 oz. Margarita Cup | $10.00

12 oz. Cocktail Cup | $10.00

2 oz. Shooter Cup | $4.00

8 oz. Wine Cup | $6.00

14 oz. Wine Cup | $10.00

Magnetic Bottle Opener | $9.00

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Help - PHP MySQL Multiple Decision Making System?

Hi Guys,

I'm new to the forum (Long time reader, first time poster!)

I'm working on a system that sends sales leads to the correct person based on a number of conditions.

At present, a sales lead will come into a MySQL table called "Leads" with all of the customers information and the column name of Status is set to "New".

Sales reps then have access to a very basic report that allows them to view the leads based on the Status (e.g. New to view all the leads that are new and haven't been allocated).

What I want to happen:

Lead comes into the MySQL table as "New" as it does currently now.

The system will automatically make a decision where to place the lead based on what information the customer submitted (e.g. The product the customer is interested in/the loan amount the customer has applied for (if the product is set to loan), if its a weekday or weekend etc etc). Basically wanting something that can be changed easily without having to heavily edit the PHP code.

Do you know of something that's opensource that I could use to do this or a tutorial on where to start? Or even what i'd need to start with?

Any help would be massively appreciated!

Cheers guys!

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18 Google Poems: Search Terms Become Verse (PICTURES)

When you Google something it gives you a couple of potential items you could be searching for. Some redditors saw the poetry in this and captured the beauty with screenshots. Not all of them make sense, but they're all beautiful in their own way.

With their unexpected twists and strangely specific choices, these Google poems truly take us on a journey. Check out 18 of our favorites below and let us know which one you think is the most artful.

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You can, if you're interested.

I always knew the truth.

But it cannot be trusted.

Relax, they're just balls.

It always ends with herpes.

From the rattling the stars to running the streets. You can do it all.

Well, that was unexpected...and disturbing.

Somebody's a pessimist.

It's always cheese.

Donut time, the most important time.

First bread, then before you know it, you're stealing a timelord.

Household machines create such pain and turmoil.

And ends with cats.

Love and flatulence go hand in hand.

That was the only thing that really mattered.

Without my angry wig, I have nothing.

But only one matters, a bicycle clown.

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Need to buy permanent links - Cleaning related

N.B.: I can only pay with MoneyBookers (Skrill) - I DON'T have a Paypal

I want to buy DoFollow permanent links on websites with different PageRanks (Low PageRanks are welcome too if they are good).

Preferred niche: Cleaning Industry.
Payment Method: MoneyBookers or similar (but not Paypal, it's not available in my country).


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Remember Hitler B'thdy

You're either stupid or a troll. Or both.

Do you think anyone has forgotten about who Hitler was and what he did?

(Where is the negative rep button when you need it?)

No , i am not stupid. I like both person , the person who think positive and negative. Well Mr. Adolf is famous for his attitude.

If you don't have attitude, you can't live happy in this world. If he is really a bad person , why he got more than 1million votes when he is in prison.


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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Domain Penalized? How to confirm & what to do?


If you are not able to seeing indexing for your domain its mean your domain is penalized. So i will suggest you that do not use any promotional activity for your website, if possible block your domain for some time for caching.

In this way may be you will get your website again, or try to find out the type of penalty it may be related to link or content.

Hope this will useful for you, still need more info contact with our expert at

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Ricin Letters Suspect: Hearing To Focus On Paul Kevin Curtis' Mental State

OXFORD, Miss. — Officials have cancelled the third day of a hearing for the Mississippi man accused of mailing poisoned letters to President Barack Obama, a U.S. senator and a local judge.

Christi McCoy, defense attorney for Paul Kevin Curtis, says that federal authorities and defense attorneys will speak to reporters at 5 p.m. CDT about the case.

The announcement came 90 minutes after the hearing was supposed to start in federal court. Lawyers spent that time conferring with the judge. Later, Curtis and family members were escorted into a meeting room with his lawyers, followed by a probation officer.

On Monday, an FBI agent said federal authorities didn't find any ricin in Curtis' Corinth, Miss., home or vehicle.

McCoy says the search results bolster Curtis' claims of innocence.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

The third day of a hearing for the Mississippi man accused of mailing poisoned letters to President Barack Obama, a U.S. senator and a local judge was expected to include testimony on his mental state after authorities acknowledged they have found little physical evidence so far.

Christi McCoy, defense attorney for Paul Kevin Curtis, said Tuesday's hearing was expected to include testimony from David Daniels, a Tupelo, Miss., attorney who says Curtis threatened him after a rehearsal for an Elvis impersonators' show Daniels helped organize in 2002. Also, a law enforcement official was expected to testify about Curtis' suicide attempt in Chicago in 1991.

On Monday, FBI Agent Brandon Grant testified that Friday searches of Curtis' vehicle and house in Corinth, Miss., found no ricin, ingredients for the poison, or devices used to make it. A search of Curtis' computers found no evidence he researched making ricin.

"There was no apparent ricin, castor beans or any material there that could be used for the manufacturing, like a blender or something," Grant testified. He speculated that Curtis could have thrown away the processor. Grant said technicians are now doing a "deep dive" on the suspect's computers after initially finding no "dirty words" indicating Curtis had searched for information on ricin.

McCoy has insisted there is no physical evidence connecting Curtis to the mailings and that he may have been framed.

Through McCoy, Curtis has denied involvement in letters sent to Obama, Mississippi Republican Sen. Roger Wicker, and a Lee County, Miss., judge. The first of the letters was found April 15.

"The searches are concluded, not one single shred of evidence was found to indicate Kevin could have done this," McCoy told reporters after the hearing.

U.S. Magistrate Judge J. Allan Alexander ended the hearing after lunch Monday, citing a personal schedule conflict. After the hearing concluded, McCoy questioned why Curtis would have signed the letters "I am KC and I approve this message," a phrase he had used on his Facebook page.

McCoy said in court that someone may have framed Curtis, suggesting that a former business associate of Curtis' brother, a man with whom Curtis had an extended exchange of angry emails, may have set him up.

Still, Grant testified that authorities believe they have the right suspect.

"Given the right mindset and the Internet and the acquisition of material, other people could be involved. However, given information right now, we believe we have the right individual," he said.

Grant said lab analysis shows the poison in the letters was in a crude form that could have been created by grinding castor beans in a food processor or coffee grinder.

The detention and preliminary hearing began Friday in U.S. District Court in Oxford, Miss. More witnesses besides Grant were expected Tuesday.

Federal investigators believe the letters were mailed by Curtis, an Elvis impersonator who family members say suffers from bipolar disorder.

Grant testified Monday that processing codes printed on the letter indicated they had been mailed from Tupelo, Miss., and that investigators were still trying to figure out from the codes exactly where they had been mailed from.

Grant testified Friday that authorities tried to track down the sender of the letters by using a list of Wicker's constituents with the initials KC, the same initials in the letters. Grant said the list was whittled from thousands to about 100 when investigators isolated the ones who lived in an area that would have a Memphis, Tenn., postmark, which includes many places in north Mississippi. He said Wicker's staff recognized Curtis as someone who had written the senator before.

All the envelopes and stamps were self-adhesive, Grant said Monday, meaning they won't yield DNA evidence. He said thus far the envelopes and letters haven't yielded any fingerprints.

McCoy said the evidence linking the 45-year-old to the crime has hinged on his writings posted online, which were accessible to anyone.


Follow Jeff Amy at .

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Nice welcome... not

Start a thread in what I believed was the correct forum (I actually read through the descriptions of all of them and couldn't find a better suited one), make a post, get a wiseguy remark in response, have my thread deleted and get a warning.

Way to make a new member feel welcome! On a normal forum, a moderator would do something productive like move a thread to a forum they feel is better suited, but I guess DP's got more traffic than it wants to bother with as it is.

Since I'll have to type out the entire post again anyway, I'll make sure to do it anywhere else but here. Bloody hell, I've been online for nearly 20 years, but the "welcome" I got here is one I'll be sure to remember.

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What do you think about Iron Man 3

Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

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HIGH QUALITY Logo Design for only $10 - Check out our portfolio!

Hi Guys,
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Note: All the packages have unlimited revisions for minor changes

Contact us:
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Skype : please PM me

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Receiving bank transfer payment from poland (europe) to india ?


I recently asked in another thread about receiving money from pakistan to india but after reading comments on dp forums i decided not to receive payment from pakistan in india.

Now my question is :

If sender sends payment of $30,000 to $100,000 from poland(europe) to india through bank transfer does indian receiver needs to pay any taxes or sender pays the tax ?

Please reply with 100% technical knowledge that you are sure.


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Need Adult,Dating offering -> P3-4 Sports/gaming/football

Need various

permanent links, will accept also in content links on your site (and also site-wide)

pr3-4 Sports/ gaming / football
pr1 health/drug rehab
also will give site wide and/or in-content links

If you are interested PM please.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Good places to promote open source software?

Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

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Zoe Kazan, 'The Pretty One' Star, On Misinterpreting 'Ruby Sparks' And Her Famous Grandfather

Zoe Kazan's screenwriting film debut, "Ruby Sparks," was, at times, misinterpreted. The term "manic pixie dream girl" would often appear in discussions surrounding the film -- which is fine -- but, unfortunately, it was usually in the wrong context, considering "Sparks" was the antithesis of that phrase. On that press tour, Kazan herself would remain coy when asked about any interpretations. On this press tour -- for "The Pretty One," currently playing at the Tribeca Film Festival -- she's being a little more vocal.

All while not infecting me with bronchitis, I should add.

In "The Pretty One," Kazan plays twin sisters -- one an outgoing busybody, Audrey, and one a wallflower, Laurel. After Audrey's death, Laurel claims her identity. I met Kazan, who, yes, is recovering from bronchitis, at a busy Manhattan hotel lobby and she was nice enough to warn me about avoid possible handshakes, lest she spread her lingering illness back to The Huffington Post newsroom. Here, she talks about her new film, the critics who crucified her, and the strange experience being asked about her grandfather, Eila Kazan.

Zoe Kazan: I'm sorry, I can't shake hands or anything. I've been sick.

Mike Ryan: I appreciate the warning. I feel some people would shake hands out of spite.
Yeah, I would love to give you what I have, but I'm just going to keep it to myself. I had bronchitis for a week.

I don't want that.
Nope, you don't. I've been really careful about washing my hands all day, but I literally coughed into them 30 seconds ago.

This is all very thoughtful of you. Thank you.
You're really welcome. It's my pleasure.

I think I've gotten everything I wanted out of this interview.
It's perfect, you did not get bronchitis. Well, we'll see in about a week.

In the film, your character attends her own funeral. Other people fantasize about attending their own funeral, right? That's a thing, isn't it?
Right. I mean, it's a time-honored tradition from Huck Finn and on.

In that situation, you have to do that, right? Or maybe not. That's not really normal, but it would be interesting to know.
Yeah, it would be interesting. I think the thing that was really exciting to me about this was that I actually can't understand what it's like to have an identical twin. It's one of the frontiers that I'll never know. You're not going to grow into having an identical twin.

Cloning? She wouldn't be the same age, though.
Right. But I have a sister that I'm really close to and that helped me understand some of the emotional stuff -- what it would be like to lose her, or whatever. The kind of comedy stuff -- like her attending her own funeral -- is what makes the movie watchable because it would be too sad if it wasn't funny. And that was one of the things that I loved about the script.

It could have been very dark.
It could be very, very dark. And I think [director] Jenée [LaMarque] did a good job of keeping the tone light. While, still, it's a movie about grief.

You've written your own movie in the past. Do you ever find yourself reading a script and thinking, That's not the way I would do it.
Well, I've only written one movie. My whole love of acting and whole love of writing comes out of a love of film. I just love movies. I grew up loving movies -- I've been a cinephile from the time I was a little baby. My first memory is watching a movie. It's a big thing for me. So, being on a set and being a collaborator is a huge part of what I enjoy about the process. That means I don't like to sit in my trailer. I like to be on the set. I like to be hands-on. I like to know what the camera's doing. So, from that perspective, I'm probably more engaged than maybe all actors are -- because I want to be. But, for me, I believe you have to give your director absolute trust. ... I think most of the time your job as an actor is making their words and their story come to life. It's not up you to fix it or make it better.

Is that process different when you wrote the movie? On "Ruby Sparks," were there any times you thought, "This isn't how I envisioned it?"
You have to let that go. My feeling about collaboration is that if you're with a really good collaborator, for every one thing that you feel like you're compromising on, you get none things better than you would ever think of doing yourself. That's good collaboration. And that's how I felt on "Ruby Sparks" -- even if wasn't the way I saw it, I trusted their overall vision. So, I'm not about to be like, "Hey, guys, let's stop filing a second."

When "Ruby Sparks" came out, I felt you were really coy about what it was trying to say. But I feel some people misinterpreted that movie. Did that bother you when it was labeled sexist when it was really the opposite of that?
You know, I guess it does bother me. Just because those issues are so important to me. But, I really love our movie and I really believe in it. I feel that we did the best job that we could do as far as putting what we wanted into the world. And if people are going to misunderstand that, that's really on them, not on me. If I felt like the movie was not what I wanted it to be, then I would feel differently.

But I totally stand behind the choices that we made. I was trying to say something -- I was trying to say something by subverting it. I wasn't openly criticizing anything. It was about putting yourself in the shoes of this protagonist, who then does something that is, I think, an imaginative extension of what some men do.

Some dismissed it as another manic pixie dream girl movie.

When that was the point of the movie. He was writing himself a manic pixie dream girl.
Yeah. You know, some stuff is going to go over people's heads and that's fine. And, also, sometimes I think people write stuff like that, or get riled up about stuff, just to have something to write about. It's a slow news day. That's all brouhaha. That has nothing to do with the actual movie. I'll tell you what I don't like. I don't like going into those circumstances and you look at the reporter and you're like, 'Oh, I know, you're going to crucify me here. Because I'm little, because I've got big eyes. You're going to look at me at you're going to make a decision about what kind of person I am.' And you have no idea what my copy of "The Second Sex" looks like. You have no idea what my mind looks like. You have no curiosity about me. So why are we sitting down together? Just write whatever you want. Like, I don't need to be here for you to crucify me.

I'm going to preface this question by saying that it's is not prefacing another question.
All right.

Do you like it when people bring up your grandfather? If I were you, I can't decide if I would like that or not.
I just never know how to answer it, to be totally frank. I think when people hear about my family, they have this idea that I grew up with a certain idea about myself as like an heir to a certain whatever. And that couldn't be further from the truth. I grew up in a not-very-nice part of Venice Beach in the '80s and '90s. In a house where my parents -- I had no idea my grandfather was famous until I was 13 years old. My relationship with him was totally grandkid to grandfather. So, it's just like a weird thing, because I feel like people want a tidbit or they want some closeness -- and I just don't feel like I have anything to offer.

It's not like I dislike the question. I love him and I understand people's curiosity, but I just don't know that i have a good answer for it. So I always walk away feeling either like, "I just sold out of family," or, "I just gave these people the most bland, boring possible answer I could possibly give." Because, I don't know, my parents are incredibly private. And I think it's really weird for them to have me be interviewed all the time. I think my dad worked really hard for his privacy and I try to respect that.

That was a good answer.
Oh, well ...

Don't walk away thinking either this time.
Okay, good.

Mike Ryan is senior writer for Huffington Post Entertainment. You can contact him directly on Twitter.

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NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 22: Actress Kate Hudson attends the 'Reluctant Fundamentalist' US Premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 22, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 22: Director Whoopi Goldberg speaks onstage at the Tribeca Talks - 'I Got Something To Tell You' Premiere And Panel during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 22, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 22: Actor Jerry Seinfeld attends the 'Kiss The Water' Premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 22, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 22: Actor Dean Winters and guest attend the 'Reluctant Fundamentalist' US Premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 22, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

This April 19, 2013 photo shows actor Will Forte, right, with director Steph Green in New York. Forte, a cast member on "Saturday Night Live," stars in his first dramatic role in "Run and Jump," a film being shown at the TriBeca Film Festival. (Photo by Amy Sussman/Invision/AP)

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld, right, and his wife Jessica Seinfeld, attend the "Kiss the Water" premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Monday, April 22, 2013, in New York. (Photo by Andy Kropa/Invision/AP)

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld attends the "Kiss the Water" premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Monday, April 22, 2013, in New York. (Photo by Andy Kropa/Invision/AP)

Actress Julie Delpy attends the "Before Midnight" premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Monday, April 22, 2013, in New York. (Photo by Andy Kropa/Invision/AP)

Actress Julie Delpy, left, and actor Ethan Hawke, attend the "Before Midnight" premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Monday, April 22, 2013, in New York. (Photo by Andy Kropa/Invision/AP)

Emma Roberts attends the premiere of "Adult World" during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Thursday, April 18, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Jason Schwartzman attends the 'Teenage' world premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Adam Horovitz of The Beastie Boys attends the 'Teenage' world premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 19: Tribeca Film Festival co-founder Robert De Niro (L) and filmmaker Kevin Connolly attend the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival Gala: 'Big Shot' during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 19, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 19: Filmmaker Kevin Connolly and Lydia Hearst-Shaw attend the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival Gala: 'Big Shot' during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 19, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 19: Filmmaker Kevin Connolly and Lydia Hearst-Shaw attend the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival Gala: 'Big Shot' during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 19, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

Felicity Huffman, left, Clark Gregg and Amanda Peet attend the premiere of "Trust Me" during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday, April 20, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Sam Rockwell attends the premiere of "Trust Me" during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday, April 20, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Actor Zoe Kazan attends the 'The Pretty One' World Premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Julian Wass and Jenee LaMarque attend the 'The Pretty One' World Premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Actress Bryce Dallas Howard attends Tribeca Talks Director's Series: Mira Nair With Bryce Dallas Howard during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: (L-R) Robert De Niro, Whoopi Goldberg, Grace Hightower and Tom Leonardis attend HBO's 'Moms Mabley: I Got Somethin' To Tell You' premiere at Tribeca Film Festival on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Donald Bowers/Getty Images for HBO)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: (L-R) Tom Leonardis, Grace Hightower, Whoopi Goldberg and Robert De Niro attend HBO's 'Moms Mabley: I Got Somethin' To Tell You' premiere at Tribeca Film Festival on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Donald Bowers/Getty Images for HBO)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Director Clark Gregg attends the Tribeca Film Festival 2013 after party for 'Trust Me' sponsored by Ciroc on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for 2013 Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Dan Stevens attends the Tribeca Film Festival after party 2013 for 'The Pretty One' sponsored by BR Guest on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images for 2013 Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Zoe Kazan attends the Tribeca Film Festival after party 2013 for 'The Pretty One' sponsored by BR Guest on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images for 2013 Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 20: Actor Frankie Shaw attends the Tribeca Film Festival after party 2013 for 'The Pretty One' sponsored by BR Guest on April 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images for 2013 Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 21: Actor Will Forte of the film Run and Jump poses at the Tribeca Film Festival 2013 portrait studio on April 21, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 21: Actors Will Forte, Maxine Peake, and Edward MacLiam pose with Director Steph Green of the film Run and Jump at the Tribeca Film Festival 2013 portrait studio on April 21, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 21: Michael Chen, Alex Wolff and Katie Chang, actors in the film A Birder's Guide To Everything pose at the Tribeca Film Festival 2013 portrait studio on April 21, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 21: Director Rob Meyer and screenwriter Luke Matheny of the film A Birder's Guide To Everything pose at the Tribeca Film Festival 2013 portrait studio on April 21, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 21: Actress Alice Eve attends the 'Some Velvet Morning' World Premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 21, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 21: Filmmaker Neil LaBute and actress Alice Eve attend the 'Some Velvet Morning' World Premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 21, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 21: Director Josh Fox attends 'Gasland Part II' World Premiere at the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 21, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 21: Yoko Ono (C) and Josh Fox (R) attend 'Gasland Part II' World Premiere at the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 21, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 21: Actor/producer James Franco attends 'The Director' World Premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 21, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 21: Director Christina Voros and producer/actor James Franco attend 'The Director' World Premiere during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on April 21, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images)

Padma Lakshmi attends the premiere of "Sunlight Jr." during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday, April 20, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Naomi Watts and Matt Dillon attend the premiere of "Sunlight Jr." during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday, April 20, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Jennifer Grey and Joel Grey attend the premiere of "Trust Me" during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday, April 20, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Norman Reedus attends the premiere of "Sunlight Jr." during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday, April 20, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Liza Minnelli and Robert De Niro attend the premiere of "Mistaken For Strangers" during the opening night of the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday April 17, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Richard Belzer attends the premiere of "Mistaken For Strangers" during the opening night of the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday April 17, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Ari Graynor attends the premiere of "Mistaken for Strangers" during the opening night of the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday April 17, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Tom Berninger, from left, Carin Besser and Matt Berninger attend the premiere of "Mistaken for Strangers" during the opening night of the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday April 17, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Josh Radnor attends the premiere of "Mistaken for Strangers" during the opening night of the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday April 17, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Riley Keough attends the premiere of "Mistaken For Strangers" during the opening night of the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday April 17, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Josh Lucas, right, and Jessica Henriquez attend the premiere of "Mistaken For Strangers" during the opening night of the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday April 17, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Mira Sorvino attends the premiere of "Mistaken For Strangers" during the opening night of the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday April 17, 2013 in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 17: Deborah Curtis, Vice President, Entertainment Marketing and Sponsorships, American Express, director Tom Berninger (C), Rich Lehrfeld (2nd R) and The National attend Tribeca Film Festival Opening Night co-sponsored by American Express on April 17, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for American Express)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 17: Kenneth Lonergan and Jay Smith Cameron attend the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival opening night after party for 'Mistaken For Strangers' sponsored by American Express on April 17, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images for 2013 Tribeca Film Festival)

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 17: A general view of atmosphere at the Tribeca Film Festival Opening Night co-sponsored by American Express on April 17, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for American Express)

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10 Health Articles - CS Passed

Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

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My mom has a huge osteoporosis blog. How can she monetize it?


You can always try Google ads. Seeing is how her blog is more focused on the health side rather than the RX, you will have to approach companies to advertise from that niche, since they are not contacting you. This however can take time and you do have to find the right contacts.

However, sites like this can really bring in a good income when it comes to ads. is or was a good free place to look for advertiser contacts.

A good place to start is contacting companies that promote this type of lifestyle in their product.

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Recipe Of The Day: Cherry Cheesecake

There's no cheesecake more iconic than cherry cheesecake. Which is why on national cherry cheesecake day, we should all take a break and eat a slice. But why stop at cherry cheesecake when you can be enjoying a piece of cherry cheesecake pie?

Cherry cheesecake pie combines two of the great desserts: cherry cheesecake and cherry pie. What you get with this cheesecake version is all the rich creamy filling that you'd expect from cheesecake, a nice layer of cherries on top and then -- just for fun -- a buttery, flakey lattice pie crust to tie it all together. It's epic.

Get the Cherry Cheesecake Pie recipe

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Google plus one votes disappearing

Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

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Pat Summerall Remembered During Memorial Service As 'Voice Of The NFL'

PLANO, Texas -- Veteran sportscaster Pat Summerall was remembered Saturday during a memorial service as "the voice of the NFL" and a venerated figure who maintained a humble approach despite the praise his broadcast work received for decades.

Thousands gathered Saturday at a Baptist church just north of Dallas to pay tribute to a broadcaster who called some of the most memorable games in NFL history, and also was known for his coverage of Grand Slam tennis tournaments, the Masters golf tournament and other sporting events.

The former NFL kicker died Tuesday at age 82 of cardiac arrest at a Dallas hospital.

With his deep, resonant voice, Summerall called 16 Super Bowls and was the primary television play-by-play voice of the NFL.

Former NFL analyst John Madden said Saturday that his broadcast partner's steady presence made Summerall the voice of the league. Madden, once a fiery NFL coach, was seen by many as the storm alongside Summerall's calm. The two teamed for 22 years covering games for CBS and then more briefly for Fox.

"I got up this morning and I thought, `Pat, I need you,'" Madden told the mourners. "I couldn't get the tie straightened, a button buttoned. It was the same old thing."

Madden described his first year with Summerall in the broadcast booth in 1981 as riddled with confusion as the former coach struggled with the craft and fumbled with headsets and other equipment. But Summerall "didn't look down on me," he said.

"He didn't tell you he'd pull you through, he just damn did it," Madden said.

After talking at length, a despondent Madden looked upward.

"I know Pat's up there saying, `brevity, brevity, brevity.' But just one more time I'm going to talk over you," Madden said, before reminding the audience of the deep faith Summerall developed in his later years.

One of Summerall's sons, Kyle, said his father had battled alcoholism for years but with the help of his faith had kicked it aside.

Summerall often shared his testimony with Christian groups and told his story when speaking before other organizations. In his 2006 book, "Summerall: On and Off The Air," he frankly discussed his personal struggles and professional successes.

Saturday's memorial service was powered by a group of church singers, a choir more than 300 strong, and NFL Hall of Fame players including former Cowboys quarterbacks Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman, ex-Dallas running back Emmitt Smith and former Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin. Fullback Daryl Johnston was among other past Dallas players who also attended, along with Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and head coach Jason Garrett.

Summerall, who spent his final years in the Dallas area, living in Southlake, was a member of the North Texas Super Bowl host committee for the game played there in February 2011 in the $1.1 billion Cowboys Stadium that opened in 2009.

Another of Summerall's sons, Jay, said his father made time for as many people as he could, no matter their lot in life. The elder Summerall often spent time answering fan mail, sending along autographed photos, and serving as an ambassador for the Betty Ford Center.

Summerall in 2004 received the liver of a 13-year-old junior high football player from Arkansas who died unexpectedly from an aneurysm, and Summerall had remained in touch the teenager's family.

"There was no big shot in him," Jay Summerall said.

Added Madden: "If there ever was a book about good guys, he'd be the star of that book."

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Friday, September 27, 2013

David Ortiz Speech: Pre-Game Ceremony At Fenway Punctuated By F-Bomb, FCC Doesn't Mind (VIDEO)

David Ortiz David Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox poses with a Boston Strong sign.

David Ortiz hit cleanup during the emotional pre-game ceremony at Fenway Park on Saturday. And he knocked it out of the park.

Making his return to the lineup on the same day that fans first returned to Fenway after the bombings at the Boston Marathon, the 37-year-old slugger capped a series of moving tributes and observances with a brief speech to fans, comprised of equal parts gratitude, fellowship and defiance. It also contained one exuberant f-bomb.

"This is our fucking city," Ortiz roared during his remarks to the delight of the crowd.


If Ortiz' unexpected curse word offended anyone watching the ceremony live on television then they might need to complain to someone other than the FCC. On Saturday afternoon, the official Twitter account of the Federal Communications Commission let everyone know it was fine with Ortiz' emotional utterance.

The FCC David Ortiz spoke from the heart at today's Red Sox game. I stand with Big Papi and the people of Boston - Julius

For those wondering who at the FCC is named Julius, look no further than FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski.

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Skyrim Modding Site **consistent Adsense income, traffic, clicks**

Selling my website on how to mod the very popular video game The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. It's runs on Wordpress using a simple custom theme. For the most part I don't touch it and it has been earning revenue for the past few months consistently.

I've noticed it's especially picked up in 2013. Since January 1st 2013 it's earned $33.29 which is an average of around $9/10 a month in 2013.

Adsense earnings from October 2012 to today:

October 2012: $6.53
November 2012: $5.44
December 2012: $7.40
January 2013: $11.51
February 2013: $5.95
March 2013: $9.60
April 2013: $6.23 (so far, still 2 weeks left in the month)

So as you can see it has been consistently earning a few bucks with Adsense every month. This is with me rarely touching it. I might log in once a month to post 1 or 2 articles. I always notice an increase in traffic when I do so.

Posting is easy as well. You don't need to really create any content. It's as easy as embedding Youtube videos. I can show you what to look for so you can do it easily.

Pretty much ALL traffic comes from Google Search Engine. I optimized the site very well and got some VERY good backlinks in the beginning, which is why I believe the site is doing consistently well now. We get AT LEAST 30+ clicks a day from Google with some days going as high as 100+ clicks from Google search. We have great backlinks from other related websites, and no junk backlinks. All hand done by me.

We rank first page for our main keyword "skyrim creation kit" as well as almost any keyword related to modding/skyrim/creation kit. If someone want's to learn how to mod Skyrim, they will see this site first. In 2013 alone the site has over 60,000+ impressions on Google and 3,400+ clicks.

With that, we also average around 30+ unique visits a day. Sometimes climbing as high as 80+ on a really good day. It might not sound like a lot, but consistently every day, it adds up.

What you will notice with this site, is that everything is consistent and even. Adsense income is consistent, traffic is consistent, clicks are consistent. You really are bidding on a website that has been set up correctly, and is reaping in benefits.

Imagine if you paid more attention to the website - every time I add new content I noticed big increases in traffic. I believe that in the hands of the right person who will update the site you will notice an even bigger increase in traffic/clicks/income. Even if you only end up touching the site a few times a month, that's some easy extra income for you.

As I said, I don't ever update the site anymore as I'm too busy with work in real life. This was always just a side project and I'm not interested in it anymore. One less thing to worry about.

PM ME with any questions/screen shot requests. PAYPAL only.

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Market Share

Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

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Joomla or Wordpress which is best for e-commerce site.

There is no definite answer. But in order to be able to answer, you would need to supply the following information:

1) What are you mainly going to sell
2) How many products are you going to sell
3) Is your web experience rather high or low
4) Do you need multi currency support
5) Do you need multi language support

Magento can easily do them all, but has quite steep learning curve, also in the wrong hands Magento can get extremely slow.
PrestaShop is fast and easy, but inside is French. Some of the modules are bit harder to make for the system because of that. Otherwise it also supports everything above.

Joomla + VirtueMart I do not recommend for the moment, since they are quite buggy. Maybe in a few months time it will improve. From the current view I see that PrestaShop has taken away quite a lot of popularity from Joomla VirtueMart

Wordpress + e-Commerce ( - is easy to set up. Main difference between Magento/PrestaShop/VirtueMart is that you can put your products literally anywhere on your site (post, page, widget, etc...) thru use of shortcodes. Downside is the lack of multi currency support and extra plugins are required in order to get the multi currency support working properly.

And again... before asking which e-commerce software is the best.... please supply what you want to do with your potential future webshop.

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DMOZ listed, PR2 Gaming Blog for Sale!

Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

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How Many Backlinks We Can Build Per Day

What the site is about, what your competition is doing, whether your site is updated regularly,etc.. all will have an impact.

If your website is low quality with poor duplicated content, then adding a load of links isn't really going to help a great deal.

Firstly, for a new website I would start by concentrating on getting good content and making sure you follow the best practices for onsite optimisation. Make sure you have all the relevant social media sites setup (Twitter, Google+, facebook, etc..). A few good links from decent relevant sites will get you site listed relatively quickly.

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I need FORUM WORK completed ASAP

Just a warning to everyone.

Don't deal with this person. Very unprofessional.

I did offer a forum customization. Here is the forum I delivered the requirements. I went beyond what were required. Indeed, I spent till wee hours in the morning teaching this person on how to update the customization.

After I delivered, I have been ignored and have not been paid.

This person is a scammer. Be careful in dealing with this person.

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Make money with Amazon Affiliate, learn step by step to earn $2.000 monthly

Introduction to Amazon affiliate
when you want to lear more about Amazon affiliate, you must read it. It can help you make money, but you must have more knowledge about it. Below are some basic knowledge of Amazon affiliate. See some simple questions and answers about Amazon affiliate program.

What is Amazon affiliate program? It is one program of Amazon, every can join it and make money.
How to make money with Amazon affiliate program? You must creat Amazon affiliate account. Promote products and after customer buy it, you will receive earning.

How to promote products? Have more methods, and you must select best method for yourself. You can use facebook, twitter and post it for your friend. After they feel like, they will build it. More professional, you can build websites, blog to promote products and introduced them. Read about How to buy website make money with Amazon affiliate.

How many money you can ean with Amazon affiliate program? It is unlimit. When you sell more product, your commission will increase. It may be $100 per month, $4.000 per month (my income) or $20.000 per month and more. See detail about Amazon affiliate commission structure.

Live at any country, can join Amazon affiliate program. However, i can receive payment, after earn money with Amazon affiliate program, you can receive money by more methods. See detail at Amazon affiliate payment.

What do you do to start make money with Amazon affiliate program? If you already have experience building websites, blog, find out how to choose and promote products, encouraging visitors to buy, how to increase the rate of purchase. Learn more about the support tools, plugins increase product sales. If you do not have any experience whatsoever, you have to learn how to build a blog, with fundamentals such as blogger, wordpress. It’s easy and you’ll learn quickly.

After getting basic knowledge, please follow the article about Amazon affiliate program, the experience and tips with Amazon affiliate. If you know the basic building websites, you can learn and earn $ 1000/month easy. Always monitor and update the latest Amazon affiliate tips.

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'Game Of Thrones' Episode 4 Of Season 3: What To Expect From 'And Now His Watch Is Ended' (PHOTOS)

Episode 4 of "Game Of Thrones" is going to be a big one.

The episode, titled "And Now His Watch Is Ended," will see the first truly epic moment of the show's third season. Fans of George R.R. Martin's book franchise, on which the HBO series is based, might know what's coming in, but here's what showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff told reporters during a conference call before the Season 3 premiere.

"We always knew it was going to be one of the big ones," Weiss said (via The Hollywood Reporter). "That was one of the scenes I remember reading it for the first time in the books and being so swept away by it. I remember thinking [that] if we could ever get this to series and we could ever get to season three, we'd actually be able to put that scene on screen."

Here's how HBO describes "And Now His Watch Is Ended," the fourth episode of "Game Of Thrones" Season 3:

The Night’s Watch takes stock. Varys meets his better. Arya is taken to the commander of the Brotherhood. Daenerys exchanges a chain for a whip.

As for Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell, played by Natalie Dormer, the actress recently told TV Guide, "The Tyrells have come and arrived at King's Landing, underestimating the situation. They think that they can control the Lannisters and can take them on. They're going to get a nasty shock." But, she added, Margaery still shouldn't be discounted." Margaery is not safe," Dormer told TV Guide. "She's trying to work out what makes Joffrey tick because if she can work out what makes Joffrey tick, she can control him. And not just control him in a nasty, manipulative way, but control him for the better of the kingdom."

The first five photos from the slideshow below are from "Game Of Thrones" Episode 4 of Season 3. Plus, check out HBO's preview below:

Loading Slideshow...

Jack Gleeson as Joffrey Lannister, Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen

Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark

Conleth Hill as Lord Varys, Diana Rigg as Olenna Redwyne

John Bradley as Samwell Tarly

Aidan Gillen as Petyr Baelish, Conleith Hill as Lord Varys, Julian Glover as Grand Maester Pycelle

Noah Taylor as Locke, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister

Jack Gleeson as Joffrey Baratheon

Esmé Bianco as Ros

Noah Taylor as Locke

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister, Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister, Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth

Richard Madden as Robb Stark, Michael McElhatton as Roose Bolton

Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei, Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen

Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark, Finn Jones as Loras Tyrell

Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell, Diana Rigg as Olenna Redwyne, Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark

Rose Leslie as Ygritte, Kit Harington as Jon Snow

Kristofer Hivju as Tormund

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen, Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei, Dan Hildebrand as Kraznys mo Naklaz

Sibel Kekilli as Shae, Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark, Aidan Gillen as Petyr Baelish

Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister

Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark

Joe Dempsie as Gendry, Maisie Williams as Arya Stark, Ben Hawkey as Hot Pie

Richard Madden as Robb Stark

Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lanniser, Jerome Flynn as Bronn, and Daniel Portman as Podrick Payne

Richard Madden as Robb Stark

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister

Clive Russell as Brynden "The Blackfish" Tully

Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth

Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister

Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark

Richard Dormer as Beric Dondarrion

Dianna Rigg as Olenna Tyrell

Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister

Richard Madden as Robb Stark, Oona Chaplin as Talisa Maegyr

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen

Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister

Michelle Fairley as Catelyn Stark

Jack Gleeson as Joffrey Baratheon, Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell

Ciaran Hinds as Mance Rayder

Carice van Houten as Melisandre

Stephen Dillane as Stannis Baratheon

Rose Leslie as Ygritte

Kit Harington as Jon Snow

Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark

Ellie Kendrick as Meera Reed

Thomas Brodie Sangster as Jojen Reed

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark

Paul Kaye as Thoros

Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister.

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Cross-linking between sites from the same IP

In my experience cross linking between sites on the same IP has no adverse effects.

I will give you an example > Google > find the best s30 to hire

changing s30 to SEO and use

Now if you search that (prior to this post affecting it in any way as can happen) 8 of the page 1 links are my sites all cross linked on the same IP

So the evidence would suggest that it's all bollocks and likely a ploy to make you buy more hosting accounts me thinks....

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Jude Law PETA Letter Asks WTO To Uphold European Union Seal Fur Ban

LONDON — Actor Jude Law has written to the World Trade Organization to urge it to uphold a European Union ban on seal fur.

The British actor was writing on behalf of animal protection group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which released the letter on Saturday.

The EU banned commercial trade in all seal products in its member states in 2010 amid concerns about the animal welfare aspects of hunting seals.

The ban is being challenged by the Canadian government, and the WTO is holding a hearing later this month to settle the dispute.

PETA has also enlisted actress Pamela Anderson in its publicity campaign against the seal trade.

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Adult logos+favicons for 3 sites

Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

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How can I earn money online, easy method

There are no "easy" methods- if there were, everyone would be doing it. Replace your 'easy' mindset and start studying basic techniques; Google is your friend


HERE: ways to make money online&oq=basic ways to make money online&gs_l=hp.3..0i13i30.136.2973.0.3130.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45512109,d.d2k&fp=c0f615c147904ef0&biw=1366&bih=643

You could also try signing up at places like oDesk and offering content writing services, or anything else your particularly good at - design, coding etc.

Possibilities are endless, but they are all going to take time and study.

Good luck,

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Step by Step to start earning with amazon affiliate by building website


Clickbank is not a product, it's an affiliate program.
everything starts with an idea. Search on Google, how to make research on AMAZON products. You will find pdf books and with some efforts you can get them for free. Once you know how to make a research, you will increase the chances to find a niche like: silver jewelries for ex.

Once you found 10-15 niches by respecting the chriteria you found in the books, choose 1 or 2 and search for a domain name which should should contain the name of the niche but be brandable as well. From there you should buy a .com domain and a host. Both cost less than 15$. If you reached this stage and did everything correctly, you are on the right way.

REMEMBER: No one has enough free time to explain you step by step like in school. For these type of lessons you should join an AMAZON affiliate teaching program but this would cost you 20-30$/month. On-line business is about building by yourself, very few people are willing to teach you everything step by step and not because they don't want to, but because they work a lot on their own projects.

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Zac Efron Tribeca Film Festival: Actor Talks 'At Any Price' And His Budding Indie Film Career

Zac Efron may be loved by teenage girls around the world, but he's trying his best to step away from his "High School Musical" days and focus on becoming a more well-rounded actor.

The 25-year-old has appeared in a handful of independent films over the last few years, including "Me and Orson Welles," "The Paperboy" and more recently "At Any Price," which he attended the premiere for at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 19.

Efron briefly chatted with HuffPost Celebrity on the red carpet, admitting he doesn't know how he became an "indie darling."

"I don't know," he told reporters of what inspired him to make a commitment to films outside of mainstream production. "I’ve been doing a lot of interviews with Dennis [Quaid] and his words of wisdom are sort of just fresh in my mind. Dennis says the only role he sort of had for himself in this career is to do as many different types of movies as possible and never stop stretching or trying something new, particularly roles that challenge you. And working with great directors," he added, "That’s really all I want to do."

HuffPost caught up with Quaid at the screening as well, who coincidentally echoed Efron's sentiments: "The only strategy I've ever had is to play as many different types of roles as possible."

He also had some kind things to say about Efron, who stars as his son in "At Any Price."

"He’s such a great actor. He’s such a down-to-earth guy and he’s really got all the tools in the toolbox," Quaid said of his co-star. "He dedicated himself [to this film] and I think he made me better."

As for what Efron will do next, the Hollywood heartthrob says he's simply looking to take on characters he connects with.

"It kind of just falls into place and you know it. It’s what you want to do," he told HuffPost. "I’m doing a movie called 'Townies' right now where I play the president of a fraternity and that’s totally opposite of this character."

There's no doubt Efron will make it far in his career, considering he's already had a huge impact on all the directors, writers and actors he's worked with.

"Zac is just really together. I’m so amazed by how smart and hard working he is," co-star Heather Graham added of Efron. "And he has the craziest fans of any actor I’ve ever worked with ... like they’re screaming and waiting outside the set for hours. We ate at a restaurant and when we came out there were 30 teenage girls waiting outside screaming at the top of their lungs. It’s like the Beatles!"

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Cheap, High Quality Articles by a Native English Speaker with Money Back Guarantee

Hello, there!

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I look forward to hearing from you and creating some of the best original content available anywhere.

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Do you know your blood type?



Distribution of the A type blood allele in native populations of the world


Distribution of the B type blood allele in native populations of the world

Distribution of the O type blood in native populations of the world


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More here: Distribution of Blood Types

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~Mike Dammann

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[Survery Questions] How did you learn your web developement? Also...

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'The Big Bang Theory' Season Finale: Will Leonard And Penny Stay Together?

All's well right now on "The Big Bang Theory" as far as Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Penny's (Kaley Cuoco) relationship is concerned.

But according to TVLine, the season finale will present Leonard with a huge obstacle: a job offer overseas.

“He's a little nervous, because he doesn't want anything to get screwed up," executive producer Steven Molaro said, adding that although Penny is supportive she would "very much ... miss him.”

The Leonard-Penny drama isn't the only excitement headed "Big Bang's" way, though: TV legend Bob Newhart is swinging by the series on May 2 as Professor Proton, a childhood hero of Leonard and Sheldon's (Jim Parsons).

"I specified 'Big Bang' because of the writing and the live audience," Newhart told TV Guide, noting that the last scene "sets it up for me to return a couple more times next season."

"The Big Bang Theory" airs Thursdays, 8 p.m ET on CBS.

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Couldn't install new theme in Joomla! Why is that?

Most likely it is a compatibility issue. Are you sure that you are using a template that is compatible with the version of Joomla you are running? If you have a 2.5 site 1.5 templates won't work. Sometimes 3.0 templates may not work with 2.5 sites.

Other than that there is also the possibility that the file needs to be unzipped before you upload and install. Sometimes developers package multiple versions of a component, template, or module in one big zip file and you have to unzip and then use the one that matches your joomla version.

If you are sure that it is neither of these problems then unzip the package and upload them all to your /templates folder. Then go into extensions->Discover and tell it to discover anything missing. It will look through the folders and find anything that has not been properly installed.

If that doesn't work then my advice would be to find a different template. :)

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My site not indexing in google

I am having this problem, but with a brand new site. It has been over a week and here is what I have done. I know what I have done will help soon, but as of hasn't helped at all.

Social bookmarked several of my pages/posts
Added to Google Webmaster Tools
Submitted sitemap to WMT's
Created a video, linked to site from video
More bookmarks
Linked from relevant (and quality) Web 2.0 site to new site
Created more fresh content, pinged that
Set up Google authorship for the site
Checked robots.txt to make sure I wasn't blocking search engines
Checked for errors
Checked the URL history to make sure the domain was not banned in the past. (Hard to do, I can only guess that based on when the domain was last active it should be healthy by now).

So even though those things have not worked for me yet, you may want to try any of them that you have not done yet. I have never waited more than 2 days for a site to get indexed, so this is the first time doing ANY ONE of these things did not help me get indexed.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Hospitalized In Serious Condition

BOSTON — Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev lay hospitalized in serious condition under heavy guard Saturday – apparently in no shape to be interrogated – as investigators tried to establish the motive for the deadly attack and the scope of the plot.

People across the Boston area breathed easier the morning after Tsarnaev, 19, was pulled, wounded and bloody, from a tarp-covered boat in a Watertown backyard. The capture came at the end of a tense day that began with his 26-year-old brother, Tamerlan, dying in a gunbattle with police.

There was no immediate word on when Tsarnaev might be charged and what those charges would be. The twin bombings killed three people and wounded more than 180.

The most serious charge available to federal prosecutors would be the use of a weapon of mass destruction to kill people, which carries a possible death sentence. Massachusetts does not have the death penalty.

President Barack Obama said there are many unanswered questions about the bombing, including whether the Tsarnaev brothers – ethnic Chechens from southern Russia who had been in the U.S. for about a decade and lived in the Boston area – had help from others. The president urged people not to rush judgment about their motivations.

U.S. officials said an elite interrogation team would question the Massachusetts college student without reading him his Miranda rights, something that is allowed on a limited basis when the public may be in immediate danger, such as instances in which bombs are planted and ready to go off.

The American Civil Liberties Union expressed concern about that possibility. Executive Director Anthony Romero said the legal exception applies only when there is a continued threat to public safety and is "not an open-ended exception" to the Miranda rule, which guarantees the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.

The federal public defender's office in Massachusetts said it has agreed to represent Tsarnaev once he is charged. Miriam Conrad, public defender for Massachusetts, said he should have a lawyer appointed as soon as possible because there are "serious issues regarding possible interrogation."

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick said Saturday afternoon that Tsarnaev was in serious but stable condition and was probably unable to communicate. Tsarnaev was at Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, where 11 victims of the bombing were still being treated.

"I, and I think all of the law enforcement officials, are hoping for a host of reasons the suspect survives," the governor said after a ceremony at Fenway Park to honor the victims and survivors of the attack. "We have a million questions, and those questions need to be answered."

The all-day manhunt Friday brought the Boston area to a near standstill and put people on edge across the metropolitan area.

The break came around nightfall when a homeowner in Watertown saw blood on his boat, pulled back the tarp and saw a bloody Dzhokhar Tsarnaev hiding inside, police said. After an exchange of gunfire, he was seized and taken away in an ambulance.

Raucous celebrations erupted in and around Boston, with chants of "USA! USA!" Residents flooded the streets in relief four days after the two pressure-cooker bombs packed with nails and other shrapnel went off.

Michael Spellman said he bought tickets to Saturday's Red Sox game at Fenway Park to help send a message to the bombers.

"They're not going to stop us from doing things we love to do," he said, sitting a few rows behind home plate. "We're not going to live in fear."

During the long night of violence leading up to the capture, the Tsarnaev brothers killed an MIT police officer, severely wounded another lawman and took part in a furious shootout and car chase in which they hurled explosives at police from a large homemade arsenal, authorities said.

"We're in a gunfight, a serious gunfight. Rounds are going and then all of the sudden they see something being thrown at them and there's a huge explosion," Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau said Saturday of the melee.

The chief said one of the explosives was the same type used during the Boston Marathon attack, and authorities later recovered a pressure cooker lid that had embedded in a car down the street. He said the suspects also tossed two grenades before Tamerlan ran out of ammunition and police tackled him.

But while handcuffing him, officers had to dive out of the way as Dzhokhar drove the carjacked Mercedes at them, Deveau said. The sport utility vehicle dragged Tamerlan's body down the block, he said. Police initially tracked the escaped suspect by a blood trail he left behind a house after abandoning the Mercedes, negotiating his surrender hours later after an area resident saw blood and found the suspect huddled in his boat.

Chechnya, where the Tsarnaev family has roots, has been the scene of two wars between Russian forces and separatists since 1994. That spawned an Islamic insurgency that has carried out deadly bombings in Russia and the region, although not in the West.

Investigators have not offered a motive for the Boston attack. But in interviews with officials and those who knew the Tsarnaevs, a picture has emerged of the older one as someone embittered toward the U.S., increasingly vehement in his Muslim faith and influential over his younger brother.

The Russian FSB intelligence service told the FBI in 2011 about information that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a follower of radical Islam, two law enforcement officials said Saturday.

According to an FBI news release, a foreign government said that Tamerlan Tsarnaev appeared to be strong believer and that he had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the U.S. for travel to the Russian region to join unspecified underground groups.

The FBI did not name the foreign government, but the two officials said it was Russia. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about the matter publicly.

The FBI said that in response, it interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev and relatives, and did not find any domestic or foreign terrorism activity. The bureau said it looked into such things as his telephone and online activity, his travels and his associations with others.

An uncle of the Tsarnaev brothers said he had a falling-out with Tamerlan over the man's increased commitment to Islam.

Ruslan Tsarni of Montgomery Village, Md., said Tamerlan told him in a 2009 phone conversation that he had chosen "God's business" over work or school. Tsarni said he then contacted a family friend who told him Tsarnaev had been influenced by a recent convert to Islam.

Tsarni said his relationship with his nephew ended after that call.

As for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, "he's been absolutely wasted by his older brother. I mean, he used him. He used him for whatever he's done," Tsarni said.

Albrecht Ammon, a downstairs-apartment neighbor of Tamerlan Tsarnaev in Cambridge, said in an interview that the older brother had strong political views about the United States. Ammon quoted Tsarnaev as saying that the U.S. uses the Bible as "an excuse for invading other countries."

Tamerlan Tsarnaev studied accounting as a part-time student at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston for three semesters from 2006 to 2008, the school said. He was married with a young daughter. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a student at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

As of Saturday, more than 50 victims of the bombing remained hospitalized, three in critical condition.


Associated Press writers Denise Lavoie and Steve Peoples in Boston; Mike Hill in Watertown, Mass.; Colleen Long in New York; Pete Yost in Washington; Eric Tucker in Montgomery Village, Md.; and AP Sports Writer Jimmy Golen in Boston contributed to this report.

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Why is it good that Jesus died today?

I have no issue with the bible's (more specifically the New Testament's) value as a philosophical document. As you point out, some of the best philosophy we know of is quite old.

I also have no issue with the idea that the bible (more specifically the Old Testament) contains quite a few verifiable historical facts. I was also not attempting to assert that Jesus was either a goat herder or a politician.

From a historical standpoint, Tacitus, Josephus, and the writings referring to Jesus were all penned long after Jesus supposedly died. I find that odd, especially considering the Romans were meticulous note takers.

The only thing that seems definite to me is that by the time Tacitus was putting his documents together, the Christian movement based on the existence of a so-called Jesus was well under way, likely along with a whole bevy of mythology and stories passed from goat herder to goat herder. This Tacitus well confirmed in his documents.

Treating the bible, on the other hand, as an objectively written and truthful historical document seems like lunacy considering it's origin in the Council of Nicaea. Were there historical documents used to assemble it? Perhaps, but I've never heard of their existence. As far as I know, they made the whole thing up out of whole cloth.

Either way, the people who published(and authored IMO) the first version of the bible were politicians who were very interested in retaining power amid a crumbling Roman empire. That fact alone is ruinous from a credibility perspective. Unfortunately, all the detailed stories about the life of Jesus come from this source and this source alone.

For me, the whole thing completely falls apart when the supernatural is introduced, including the origin of life, an all seeing god, knowledge of the afterlife, the rules for getting there, etc, etc,etc. Outside of the obvious political benefits of penning and interpreting the "how to" book for eternal life, I think the very concept of the supernatural is anti-science. Things we don't understand are better left described as things we don't understand, unless you got a shitload of evidence to back your claims that can be peer reviewed, verified, tested, etc.

I'm not trying to sling mud on your faith or your religion. I have these chats with a physicist friend of mine who happens to be religious(christian). He is at a point where the obvious scientific problems with a personal "god" are unavoidable, but he likes the concept because he thinks it is good for his family, his morale, and his value system. I have to admit, he might be right. Did you know that atheists are three times as likely to commit suicide?

Being an atheist/agnostic comes with sort of a sick embrace of the fact you will one day be no more. Its not for everyone. In that spirit, I rather enjoyed "The life of Pi".

Sorry for droning on.

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